Now the gamblers are becoming long-term investors, and the balance of power is shifting.
There would also be no need for the public to bail out the gamblers.
But the referees reviewed the play, and ended up nullifying the touchdown, crushing the gamblers.
The gamblers and risk-takers turned south on the California Trail over the Sierra Nevada, ready to strike it big or not at all.
Pusser -- a determined foe of the gamblers and moonshiners in his Tennessee county -- while the title cut of "Decoration Day" was about a longstanding family feud.
They are the modern day evolution of the gamblers, harlots, snake oil salesmen and con artists who followed the pioneers who settled the American west or the risk takers who search for gold in the hills.
The Journal said the Las Vegas money-laundering investigation focused on two "whales" -- as big-money gamblers are known -- and whether Sands officials ignored warning signs and did not alert federal authorities about millions of dollars the gamblers had deposited.
But the obese, the gamblers, rugby players, skiers, the sedentary, the promiscuous who don't practice safe sex, those who won't wear helmets on motorcycles and bikes, horseback riders, pool owners, all-terrain-vehicle operators, small-plane pilots, sunbathers, scuba divers, and surfers -- all of whom cost us money and incur higher than average health care costs -- are still on the job.
"It's the online gamblers on the whole who are not contributing, " Mr Foster said.
Ho now controls all of the casinos and most of the real estate in Macau, as well as the hydrofoils that ferry gamblers the 37 miles from Hong Kong.
The same day as the protest in Poipet, Thai police closed the pier where boats carry gamblers across the Mekong to the Paradise Resort.
The Monte Carlo gamblers invented all sorts of reasons to explain the long run of black, failing to appreciate that each appearance of black was a random occurrence.
The Republican Party's sudden concern for the welfare of vulnerable gamblers comes just before the mid-term elections.
Although restrictions have been easing for years, the proportion of problem gamblers in Britain has barely changed since 1999, the survey holds, and, at about 0.6% of adults, it is lower than in more puritanical America.
The mostly male gamblers, however, wear tacky windbreakers, polyester pants and golf shirts.
Such stories suggest that the anti-gamblers have a strong hand to play.
Not long after the article appeared dubbing Siu the God of Gamblers, his twenty-year-old son received a series of anonymous threatening phone calls.
The family lived in slums among gamblers, thieves and the impoverished.
The assumption was that if every bank was told it could not lend - for example - more than 20 times its capital, large numbers of those banks would lend everything they could to reckless gamblers prepared to pay the highest interest rates, till gamblers and banks went bust.
And the loss of destination gamblers would likely hurt businesses and pull down other retail tax streams in the Motor City.
FORBES: Cleveland Makes Opening Bid on the City Casino Gamble
At the Hollywood Casino in suburban of Maryland Heights, gamblers rushed from the floor as a storm blew out windows and tore off part of the roof.
WSJ: Tornado-Hit Oklahoma Struck Again; Mother and Baby Dead
When Gamblers Drive the Markets by Bill Bonner originally appeared in the Daily Reckoning.
This sounds like an unholy alliance of the worst of youth sports parents, the worst of recruiting hustlers, and the worst of pathetic gamblers who bet on preseason basketball and Mid-American Conference games.
And to get in on the action, investors are acting like gamblers in Macau, standing six-deep at the roulette wheel and throwing chips over the heads of those in front so that they land on a number on the table.
Under the code, "problem gamblers" would be able to apply for voluntary orders banning them from bookmakers in the area.
Gamblers might enjoy the thrill, but this kind of uncertainty is anathema to business.
FORBES: Tomatoes, Furniture, and Shrimp: Is Extortion the Main Purpose of the Antidumping Law?
Fascism was not, or not simply, a capture of the state by thugs or gamblers.
Others have written to the Missouri Gaming Commission to say the change would lead problem gamblers back to temptation.