The Glade Sexual Assault Referral Centre (SARC) offers services of evidence gathering and support with a 24-hour victim helpline.
BBC: The Glade centre
"This is the best glade skiing anywhere east of the Rockies, " says Steven Rowe, a former emergency room doctor who gave up medicine to run the ski patrol at Bohemia in the winter and cut new trails in the summer.
At one fetid pit in a jungle glade, he stepped gingerly onto the surface of the pool, where the solid matter in the produced water had congealed into a tarlike crust that was sturdy enough to support him.
NEWYORKER: Reversal of Fortune
We've got more shopping malls than churches, we spend more time staring at Internet coupon sites than reading Shakespeare, we stomp on each other at 5 A.M. on Christmas Eve to snag that discounted laptop at Wal-Mart, a store that now sells buckets of popcorn, suggesting that shopping for Glade plug-in air fresheners is the entertainment equivalent of going to the movies.
FORBES: Magazine Article
We've got more shopping malls than churches, we spend more time staring at Internet coupon sites than reading Shakespeare, we stomp on each other at 5 A.M. on Christmas Eve to snag that discounted laptop at Wal-Mart (nyse: WMT - news - people ), a store that now sells buckets of popcorn, suggesting that shopping for Glade plug-in air fresheners is the entertainment equivalent of going to the movies.
FORBES: Money, Happiness And The Pursuit Of Both