"In ten years, you could see the global fund industry dominated by ETFs, " says Elwell.
It's not acceptable that the Global Fund has had to cancel its next round of grants.
The Global Fund assesses every application sent to it, and tries to support all those deemed worthy.
The US, Tanzania and the Global Fund to fight Aids, Tuberculosis and Malaria will distribute the nets.
The Global Fund sits on a big pile of credibility after more than meeting expectations in previous years.
Instead, the government relies on international agencies such as the United Nations Development Programme and the Global Fund.
The Global Fund was unable to raise sufficient funds to offer a round of new funding this year.
We must get the Global Fund against AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria fully funded.
In 2002, the U.S. government made the founding contribution to the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria.
Oxfam said Italy, Germany, Japan, Spain and the European Union have all either delayed or cancelled payments to the Global Fund.
Those who see the UN as a mere talking-shop should remember that its first meeting on AIDS launched the Global Fund.
Partner organizations include UNICEF, the Global Fund for Women and Plan International.
This is a direct result of the lifesaving success of the Global Fund and, very importantly, U.S. investments in the Global Fund.
FORBES: With Continued U.S. Support, an AIDS-Free Generation Is Possible
In December Mr Kazatchkine had ordered a freeze on training in all of the 140 countries to which the Global Fund sends money.
Niebel made the announcement with philanthropist Bill Gates and the Global Fund executive director Mark Dybul at the World Economic Forum in Davos.
CNN: Germany invests 1B euros into Global Fund to fight disease
He challenged the global community to support The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, and called on Congress to uphold its commitments.
Last month, the Global Fund temporarily suspended grants to Uganda, after a whistleblower raised questions about how some local agencies were handling the money.
The heroes are those that make it possible with funds, such as PEPFAR, foundations, generous individuals and the countries contributing to the Global Fund.
Next week, it will become clear how much money wealthier countries are donating in future to the Global Fund to fight AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria.
In 2002 the Group of Eight countries and others created the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, much along the lines Sachs had advocated.
"If we did everything they're asking, we'd go from making 400 grants a year to 30, " says Kavita Ramdas, president of the Global Fund for Women.
The critics soon found their voice again when it became clear that much of this would be bilateral aid, rather than aid channelled through the Global Fund.
All of the money distributed by the Global Fund is handed over to national governments, so the Global Fund is to spend more money on local controls.
All eyes are now on America which, in the past, has contributed one-third of the Global Fund's money and has exhorted other donor nations to give more.
Although the Global Fund has earmarked money for this purpose, the way it is disbursed means that the process is too slow and too fragmented to give firms that sort of reassurance.
The Netherlands and Spain are cutting their contributions to the Global Fund, one of the two main distributors of the life-saving drugs (the other is Mr Bush's brainchild, PEPFAR), and Italy has stopped paying altogether.
As we meet these new targets, we are joined by a growing number of countries and the Global Fund for AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, who share our commitment to doing more so that more may live.
That position was consolidated by the disbursement in July of more than a quarter of a billion dollars for research into a vaccine, and of half a billion to the main international anti-AIDS organisation, the Global Fund.
Washington wants to cut the Global Fund.
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