Hayek himself, out of a deeply-rooted (and honestly earned) pessimism about government opposed the gold standard.
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Its VAX was the gold standard of minicomputers, the model by which all others were measured.
Such growth rates can be achieved with empirically proven policies such as the gold standard.
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Residual aversion to the gold standard tags you as not merely cautious but clueless.
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For 50 years, the Pap test has been the gold standard for detecting cervical cancer.
African Americans, says Rasmussen, are the most enthusiastic demographic group for the gold standard!
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He famously has predicted that America will return to the gold standard within five years.
As the New York Times noted, the gold standard no longer is unthinkable.
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More than sixty countries were on the gold standard in the decades before War World I.
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The gold standard, in only two years, has moved from a perceived-fringe prescription to the mainstream.
The gold standard of proof is "contemporaneous records" such as time-stamped store receipts or a log.
Lance Armstrong was the athletic soul of integrity, the gold standard when it came to cycling.
In the 1950s, the gold standard for a season was getting a million at the gate.
Still, the approvals are among a handful considered to be the gold standard in communications security.
Krugmanomics was a nonstarter because the gold standard encourages fiscal and monetary discipline, not recklessness.
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So being on the gold standard and keeping a constant dollar value are inconsistent proposals.
The gold standard also reinforces the constitutional limits on the power of the federal government.
FORBES: Gingrich, The Gold Standard, And The Florida Primary
In 1971, adherence to the gold standard meant the Nixon administration faced a politically difficult decision.
He directed attention to the gold standard and saw a dramatic swing in his standing.
The gold standard is a fully contemporary prescription, celebrated by scores of public intellectuals.
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In the ferment within today's Republican Party, the gold standard has become almost the centrist position.
In 1971, the decision to abandon the gold standard was not exactly an improvisation.
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That was short of the 500 hour threshold that is the gold standard of material participation.
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For decades, US government bonds were the gold standard for long-term, risk free fixed income investors.
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But to be fair to Perry, he has not suggested going to the gold standard.
Fortunately for Greece, the euro zone differs from the gold standard in other crucial respects.
And we were about the only country left that still were on the gold standard.
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The Fed's policy, together with Smoot-Hawley, had turned the gold standard into a global-recession machine.
"This is a randomised clinical trial which is the gold standard for producing evidence, " she added.
That went to William McKinley, who campaigned forthrightly for the gold standard on a GOP platform.
FORBES: The Republican Platform and the Mainstreaming of the Gold Standard