Both girls had been attending a nearby independent unit - the Good Shepherd Centre in Bishopton, Renfrewshire.
Monsignor Thomas Wilbers, who leads the congregation at the Church of the Good Shepherd, takes the long view.
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The Good Shepherd, directed by De Niro, is one of the films competing for the festival's Golden Bear prize.
BBC: NEWS | Entertainment | De Niro film to compete at Berlin
The Good Shepherd Centre cares for young girls referred by local authority educational and psychological services, social work departments and children's hearings.
They belong to a 150-year-old order, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd.
Both were residents at the Good Shepherd care centre in Renfrewshire.
Ms Wilson said that she had raised the issue with managers at the Good Shepherd unit but she could not recall any sanctions being taken against Miss M.
In a clever invention from screenwriter Eric Roth ("The Good Shepherd" and "Forrest Gump"), Queenie runs a caring home for the elderly, so Master Benjamin fits in reasonably well, though one old lady is disconcerted by his fondness for her granddaughter Daisy.
He will be given a lamb's wool shawl, known as the pallium, to represent his role as "the good shepherd, " who tends responsibly to his flock, and receive the symbolic papal ring, the Fisherman's Ring, to represent his role of spreading the gospel.
Stars Shia LaBeouf (Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull), Josh Duhamel (Life As We Know It), Tyrese Gibson (Four Brothers) and John Turturro (The Good Shepherd) have returned along with a host of new stars including Patrick Dempsey ("Grey's Anatomy"), Frances McDormand (Fargo) and John Malkovich (Beowulf).
ENGADGET: Transformers: Dark of the Moon Blu-ray due September 30th, 3D version later
It is against this background that the famous depiction of the youthful Good Shepherd, sitting among snow-white sheep, is placed.
This month in Rome, in view of all these many challenges and heartbreaks, the cardinals have the solemn responsibility to give the world a good shepherd who can guide them to the source of true hope and freedom, which is found in Jesus Christ.
And by the time she was nine, she was in a reform school and was sent to the House of Good Shepherd for Colored Girls in Baltimore for a year, which was quite a dour place, I think.