The good teacher, she went on, was someone who was "left to get on with what they think their students need".
The good, living teacher probes the way students think and offers counterexamples that open pathways.
In particular, the impact of a good reception teacher can still be seen at the end of primary school.
Like a good teacher, the song speaks to each student in accordance with his ability to hear.
So I shared that story with a group of educators, and I am so pleased to share the good news today that the American Association of Colleges for Teacher Education has partnered with the Military Child Education Coalition to promote training for future teachers.
While insisting she was not advocating a "soft and fluffy" style of teaching, she argued that research showed that a good teacher had to engage with "the powerfully charged emotional relationship between teacher and pupil".
Standing among scores of men accepting free blankets and clothes from the Pakistan military, Liaqat Ali Mehsud, a teacher, said the road is so good that he's forgotten that his home was destroyed.
WSJ: In Former Taliban Sanctuary, an Eerie Silence Takes Over
It is no good being taught Javascript by the Geography teacher.
Perhaps rather than taking every element of the report into account, focusing on teacher pay could be a good leaping off point for future reforms, laying the groundwork for more exclusive top-tier education programs and other stepping stones to a more professional teaching labor pool.
FORBES: NCEE Report Focuses on Teachers as Professionals, New Pay Schemes
In Nepal and elsewhere in the world, nothing will ever replace a good teacher.
Stratford Academy head teacher Andrew Seager said the school had made good progress in the past five years, with results rising from 42% of pupils getting five good GCSEs including maths and English to 62%.
But if Spain is to be the good pupil of southern Europe, it also wants to be teacher's pet.
But I also couldn't stand the idea of pleasing this teacher who never thought I was any good.
While a good story is a close second, experience has always been the best teacher.
Shanghai Daily and Beijing News say a primary school teacher in Shenzhen city stamped pupils on the forehead to show who was a good student and who was a bad student.
Assistant head teacher Spencer Doggett explained that the students were also preparing a piece entitled The Good, the Bad and the Ugly about yesterday's budget as well as reflecting the death of Elizabeth Taylor.
The research suggests teacher trainees in arts subjects such as history and English were more likely to have good degrees than those training to teach maths or science.
The head teacher said she wanted her pupils to be "confident in the things they're good at and to know they're not good at everything, recognising their own strengths and weaknesses".
"And I hope as a result that more and more schools will recognise that, while the decision to remain open or closed is a matter for the head teacher, everything can and should be done in order to ensure that all children get access to a good education, " he said.
BBC: Wales snow: Neighbouring Caerphilly schools open and shut