On Thursday the governing council of the European Central Bank will meet in Bratislava.
He also said that one member of the governing council had objected to today's statement.
Its president has a single vote on the governing council of the European Central Bank.
ECONOMIST: A tussle over the integrity of a once-great central bank
This money was created with the approval of the Governing Council of the ECB.
He was reportedly behind last week's eleventh-hour objections from Shia members of the Governing Council.
The Kurds believe they can rely on a pro-federalist majority on the Governing Council.
Other members of the governing council have committed their share of indiscretions as well.
Simon Fanshawe, from Brighton, is chairman of the governing council at the University of Sussex.
ECB-watchers such as himself whether the governing council is using this framework in a consistent way.
The General Assembly's approval would be required for the governing council to formally assume Iraq's seat.
The Governing Council of the ECB will provide liquidity to the BoC in line with applicable rules.
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Are we willing to contemplate expanding the Governing Council, changing its nature, before a constitution is written?
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Town councils, provincial councils and the Governing Council in Baghdad would each nominate one-third of every caucus.
These, stresses the bank, are not forecasts, nor do they reflect the view of the governing council.
"The majority, if not all the members of the Governing Council, welcome the United Nations' involvement, " Pachachi said.
The object of Mr Sadr's ire, the Governing Council, was meeting this week to try to choose a president.
There is much talk of the Governing Council taking over, possibly expanded from its current size, but Mr Bremer must now clarify his plans.
On reconstruction, the French-German proposals want the Governing Council to be in charge soon, though it would still turn to, say, the World Bank for help.
The Governing Council members have also nominated their followers as delegates for many of the 440 seats at the conference that were not chosen by caucuses.
As for the building of Iraqi political institutions, the Governing Council has been operating since July, and has appointed interim ministers to run the Iraqi ministries.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
He said the Governing Council wants to know what the United Nations can do immediately and what its role could be after the transfer of sovereignty to Iraq.
The Governing Council gave warning that if the American administration let foreigners run Iraq's broadcasting service without consultation, the transitional government due to take office in July would sever the contract.
The Governing Council has won international recognition in U.N.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Which is why a rare emergency meeting Sunday night of the ECB's governing council is being seen as vitally important - because not all members of the governing council are in favour of buying Italian debt.
However, these may have been too much for Ayatollah Ali Sistani, a powerful Shia cleric who according to Associated Press reports seems to have been behind the last-minute objections from Shia members of the Governing Council.
Adnan Pachachi, a leading member of the Governing Council, said at the weekend that until Iraqi forces were able to combat al-Qaeda and other terrorist groups operating in the country, they would still need outside help.
The Governing Council has accomplished certain things, it needs to accomplish a lot more, and it needs to be doing executive functions, it needs to be organizing the constitutional progress, it needs to be organizing the electoral process.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Remarks to the Council on Foreign Relations
Bremer said it is critical that he discuss the ideas first with the Governing Council, and the White House concern is that it not be seen as imposing a plan -- and a new government structure -- on Iraq.
It failed to negotiate a seat on the governing council of the Champions League - run by the BCCI, CA and CSA - at a time when it was seduced by the lure of Allen Stanford's ill-fated Twenty20 operation in Antigua.