Social movements - as the anti-graft movement is often described - and collective action have never really made the great leap into politics in India.
The next great leap ahead was the advent of double-entry accounting in Renaissance Italy.
Lindgren acknowledges that the two companies are on the verge of the next great leap or inflection point, to borrow from the computer industry lexicon.
But enough factors are combining that a China could make the great innovation leap forward.
The great challenge lies in making the leap into someone else's mind.
WSJ: Dan Ariely, Author of Predictably Irrational, on Holiday Gifts
"Consumers expect Best Buy to have the latest connected technology and the Leap Motion Controller is a great example, " said Jason Bonfig, merchant vice president for computing at Best Buy.
ENGADGET: Leap Motion goes retail: motion controller to be sold exclusively at Best Buy
Now Armstrong has made another leap into the great unknown, having passed away today at the age of 82.
FORBES: Neil Armstrong, First Man To Walk On Moon, Dead At 82
So has Brazil's main left-wing party made a great leap to the centre and thus towards electability, as Britain's Labour Party did?
ECONOMIST: Brazil��s opposition: A party in search of the voters | The
With one great technical leap, the fan is freed from the rigid view of the outside-broadcast director.
I'll rarely start with a cheap sparkling wine, as it seems like too great a leap to the second, inevitably much better, bottle.
WSJ: Second Thoughts: How to Follow Your First Bottle | On Wine by Lettie Teague
And because the SanDisk brand was already associated with memory cards and USB devices, it wasn't a great leap for customers to accept a flash music player from the same company.
With a big enough voltage between cathode and anode, they will leap at great speed from the one to the other.
Forty-five years to the day after Martin Luther King spoke of his dream, America will take a giant leap towards the realisation of that great call for justice.
On their way out of the inlet, one whale breaches in a great, corkscrew leap and sends a splash toward us: Good-bye.
Rats are legendary swimmers, can chew through steel cable and can leap from great heights and survive, but the force of the water gushing through tight spaces may have been just too much for them to handle.
FORBES: No Rat Exodus Reported From NYC Tunnels. Millions Of Them Likely Drowned
This plan is a great step, but not a blind leap, in the right direction.
However, let us not take too great a leap of faith and contend that any period where the CAPE ratio above the long-term average indicates the market is overvalued.
FORBES: CAPE Advocats Say Equities Overvalued...They Are Wrong.
Keep it simple, publish lots of great games, and make the Xbox 720 powerful enough to represent a real leap forward in gaming but not so expensive that buying a powerful gaming PC makes more sense.
Of course, a great leap toward alleviating our aggravating air travel experiences would be to remove the air traffic control (ATC) system from the auspices of the Federal Aviation Administration (safety oversight would remain with the government).