This is, as I say, a sensible idea, it addresses a real problem (the 2008 unpleasantness was more about runs on banks than anything else) and the only great surprise is that governments have managed to identify a real problem and come up with a real solution to it.
FORBES: Taxing Bank Profits: I Wish People Would Understand This
There has been an almost constant stream of bad news from Japanese companies over the past few weeks, so it does not come as a great surprise that the recession in Japan is deepening.
But if you take out unusual items and look at underlying income, the performance is fairly flat - which isn't a great surprise, since the economies of the rich west in which Barclays operates are hardly booming.
Chair of the National Obesity Forum Dr Ian Campbell said the statistics were no great surprise.
The movie's great surprise, and delight, is Salma Hayek's Elena, a svelte monster with a Cleopatra haircut who runs the cartel.
There has been speculation in Irish League circles about Cochrane's future in the job in recent weeks and his departure from the role is no great surprise.
It was no great surprise when the son went to work for a perfume company at 16.
No great surprise that the Goose, a fearsome relief pitcher in the 1970s and 80s, has made it to the hall.
The timing of the attacks came as no great surprise to Spain's security forces, who only two weeks ago had seized a huge load of explosives destined for Madrid.
That the government has taken a much broader and less confined interpretation of the law into account is no great surprise.
FORBES: The Secret PATRIOT Act and the End of Limited Government in America
So it comes as no great surprise to learn that The Wall Street Journal has also been hacked.
To his great surprise, he loved the job and, after a break to travel the world, began his steady climb up the corporate ladder.
Instead, to my great surprise, he took the position that there really was no need to stop them in the first place.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Norman Podhoretz receives the Center's Mightier Pen Award
Mr Hammond later told the defence select committee that the deployment request had come "as no great surprise".
Professor Tim Peto, consultant in infectious diseases at the University of Oxford, said the original paper in Science came as a great surprise to experts.
These were a matter of great surprise and rather unbelievable for the people who had not only become used to the barbarism of those kings but also became their admirers.
Since the last credit crisis was the worst that has been experienced since the Great Depression, it should come as no surprise that this recovery is having an extremely difficult time gaining traction.
The light was not great throughout all of those exchanges and it was no surprise when umpires Rudi Koertzen and Asad Rauf asked the question to the batsmen.
Now that the news is out, however, she said it had been a "great surprise" when Prince William's office contacted her husband Jack in response to a letter the couple had sent.
Back home in Farmington Hills, Michigan, she entered the Miss Oakland County pageant and, to her great surprise, won.
It is no surprise that in the wake of the great financial crisis, financial regulators are beating a path to Dr. Gigerenzer's door.
WSJ: Matt Ridley on Gut Feelings and the Writings of Gerd Gigerenzer | Mind & Matter
Pablo and Anselmo knew how good they were and while Pablo stood now proud and less sad-looking, watching them lovingly, the old man acted as though they were some great surprise that he had produced, suddenly, himself.
You get what you thought was going to be your white (or brown or black) Zune home just to find out you've got a limited edition -- great, except that of all the colors to surprise a user with, statistically speaking pink might be the worst selection.
ENGADGET: Zune oddnesses: Zune pretty in pink; Zune on a Mac
For producer Katherine Sarafian there have been feelings of great satisfaction, and also surprise, since the release of Brave.
But the differences she found for disgust, joy and surprise were not great enough to draw any firm conclusions.
When we met with Finnish startup Aava Mobile today, they pulled out the same old prototype phone... then, to our great surprise, dropped a brand-new device right alongside to show us how their Moorestown-based ambitions have grown.
ENGADGET: Aava Mobile reveals Virta 2 smartphone development kit, we go hands-on
Meanwhile, there was a surprise winner of the day's big betting race, the William Hill Great St Wilfrid Handicap at York.
On the other hand, as in real life, great teams sometimes can be also taken by surprise despite (or maybe because of) their talent, as happened only this past weekend with the American Ryder Cup team.
Hence his commission which is concluding, to no great surprise, that it is not practical simply to exclude one category of MP, the Scots, from all Parliamentary votes affecting England.