Travelodge will concentrate its programme in the greater London area as well as in Wales and Scotland.
BBC: Travelodge believes the UK hotel market is ripe for change
Speakers at the rally included Darren Johnson, leader of the Green group on the Greater London Assembly.
Thames Clippers gets a small subsidy from Transport for London (TfL), part of the Greater London Authority.
He has now also referred it to the Greater London Assembly's monitoring officer.
The Metropolitan Police, which covers the Greater London area, used Tasers more than any other force - 1, 006 times.
Flags should only be flown in the greater London area on these days.
BBC: When the union flag can fly at city hall but not at Stormont
London County Council and then the Greater London Council ran it from 1901 to 1986 before it passed to English Heritage.
With his distinctive nasal south London accent, Livingstone rose to fame in the early 1980s as leader of the Greater London Council.
In three reports on the local elections in England, Wales and for the Greater London Authority, it said they generally went smoothly.
The Standards Board for England, the local government watchdog, has asked the Greater London Authority's monitoring officer to investigate the mayor's comments.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Mayor probe over 'ayatollah' jibe
The council then withdrew the application because the Greater London Authority had concerns over the proposed height of two of the residential blocks.
The Greater London Assembly said it hoped the inquiry would be able to lay the foundations for a "fairer deal" for all workers.
London was an unusual case because its mayor filled a vacuum that had existed since Margaret Thatcher abolished the Greater London Council in 1986.
Authorities including Gravesham Borough and Kent County councils and the Greater London Authority have expressed concerns about how the extension will affect local town centres.
It says an annual survey of Londoners' views in 2011 suggested 20% felt informed about the work of the mayor and the Greater London Authority.
In return, a team of officials from the Greater London Authority will work in Venezuela advising on recycling, waste management, traffic and on reducing carbon emissions.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Mayor signs Venezuelan oil deal
In a letter to Tower Hamlets, Bromley Council said the sculpture became the property of the Greater London Council when that authority replaced London County Council.
BBC: Bromley Council disputes Henry Moore sculpture ownership
All those arrested were found to have overstayed their visas and five of them had travelled to Scotland from the Greater London area for the ceremonies.
The initial plan was to bar Mr Livingstone, a former leader of the Greater London Council, from standing in the party's primary on the ground of disloyalty.
Labour, as expected, won its south London heartland constituency Lambeth while the Tories took Havering and Redbridge on the north east fringe of the greater London area.
The first MP to join Mr Livingstone's cabinet was John McDonnell - also a member of the Campaign group, and previously deputy leader of the Greater London Council.
The funny thing is, the Greater London Authority, the new body the new mayor will lead, is not supposed to have any say over how the Tube is financed.
Talks on how to break-up what remains of the protest camp are continuing between police, the Home Office and officials from both Westminster City Council and the Greater London Authority.
Lord Harris said that the fringe meeting - organised by the Greater London Authority - was "an historic first step" in terms of relations between New Labour and the mayor.
Mayoral sources suggested that the Greater London Authority would seek to work with the private university to establish whether any of the land it holds would be suitable for the site.
The Greater London Authority is working on a pilot of the project meaning compulsory sobriety would be used as a sentencing tool for magistrates and judges as an alternative to custody.
As the head of the Greater London Council (GLC) in the 1980s, Livingstone earned the moniker "Red Ken" for standing up to Conservative Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher on a number of issues.
Along with friend John Disley, Brasher secured sponsorship for the event then got the blessing of the Greater London Council, the police and athletics authorities to bring the marathon to the capital.
The former MP, who in 2002 became a father for the first time at the age of 57, became a public figure in the 1980s as leader of the Greater London Council (GLC).
Earlier this year the Travelodge announced a plan to open about 40 new hotels each year in the UK until 2020 - concentrating its programme in the Greater London area, as well as Wales and Scotland.