The greatest of these is that, as fiery and horrible as the impact would have been, the survivors included many seemingly sensitive animals like birds, frogs and turtles.
The greatest consumption of these high-calorie meals is in low-income neighborhoods where electronic welfare cards are accepted at fast food restaurants.
FORBES: How Junk Science Distorts What We Read, And The Way We're Governed
Dr Crowder wants to identify the places of greatest danger to these turtles, in the hope that such places will be considered for protection.
"I started collecting just for the personal pleasure of being close to these icons of the greatest musical achievements in Western music, " said Kovner, who is also chairman of Juilliard's board.
Businesses will likely find the greatest immediate value of these draft guidelines in helping to fend off trouble from rules which have recently been adopted.
And the magnitude of these comovements is greatest for the RMB in 7 cases compared with 3 for the dollar.
FORBES: China Taking Asia Further From Dollar, Even Further From Euro
Indeed, some of the greatest with these skills have been notoriously cack-handed with matters technical.
FORBES: What A Great Job: Writing The Scripts For Apple's Siri
That, surely, is the greatest threat of all to these institutions.
We are currently evaluating the best structure for each of these businesses to deliver the greatest after-tax return for our shareholders.
FORBES: Pfizer Suffers Loss Of Exclusivity, Braces Itself For Lipitor Expiration
From the huddled masses lining up outside theaters months before a movie opening, to the convention centers filled with adults in polyester jump suits, nothing inspires the fervent fandom of these, the galaxy's greatest space epics.
While all of these could be refreshing, the greatest sense of pleasure came from exercising beside the sea - regardless of factors such as age, where they lived and who they were with when they were visiting.
BBC: People really do like to be beside the seaside, study says
We've doubled our investment in science, we are leading as one of the greatest innovators in these industries that I am talking about.
One of the greatest hurdles present is that these eurozone countries have small, open economies and this viewpoint is dominant of its members and their ministers of finance.
Options expiring in November, December and January 2011 are the most heavily trafficked right now with the greatest volume generated in out-of-the-money calls in these expiries.
FORBES: Cisco Bulls Go Contrarian, Rush To Catch A Falling Knife And Other Options Intrigue
The treasured trophy itself was on parade at the home of the Squires on Thursday night and while that might well be as close as their players will ever get to it, it's the hopes and dreams of clubs like these that make the FA Cup the greatest club competition in the world.
Not surprisingly, many of these cities appear near the top of our list of metro areas with the greatest increases in immigrant populations, including Charlotte (a 64% increase), Phoenix (61%) and Atlanta (58%).
The notion that it is these smaller, tens-to-hundreds of metres-sized objects that pose the greatest potential threat to Earth is explored in the BBC feature article Can we know about every asteroid?
But I suppose as a coach, these are among the greatest (matches) of my career.
My experience reviewing portfolios of private bank clients suggests that the greatest risk facing these investors is the private bank itself.
Until 2001, these two regions appeared to hold the greatest risk of major conflict.
"We have got a great blend of youth and experience in our squad and it will be fantastic for these players to mix with some of the greatest Sevens players in the world, " said Rees.
"I was particularly outraged as I had spent four years following these individuals and, at the moment of our greatest intelligence coup against them, an uninformed GS level had pooh-poohed our work and cost the lives of two U.S. diplomats, " he recalls.
These weapons are of greatest concern with regard to the potential for nuclear war, and they should be our focus for arms reduction.
These early seven-game series are devaluing one of the greatest moments in sports: the Game 7.
In fact, the largest portion of jobs in our labor market (nearly half) require some kind of technical training beyond a high school diploma, and these "middle-skill" jobs are experiencing the greatest shortages of skilled workers.
Both of these pieces have prompted my thinking about what is perhaps the single greatest secret to my own success, not only in business, but also in reaching personal goals in areas such as music and athletics and fitness.
These soldiers became not only liberators, but witnesses to one of the greatest atrocities in history.
But during the time of greatest need, when victims of Nazi tyranny sought to escape Europe, not even these modest quotas were filled.
WSJ: A Tortuous Road to Refuge | Against the Odds | Museum of Jewish Heritage | By Julia M. Klein
Perhaps the greatest mark of glam rock's influence is the fact that most of the public think these transgressive statements now look rather quaint.
WSJ: Keeping It Glam | 'Glam! 21st Century Factory' at Tate Liverpool