It is similar to the PUE rating (Power Use Effectiveness) developed by The Green Grid a few years ago, but it arguably is more targeted toward measuring power consumption and actual operations.
With more than 175 member companies around the world, The Green Grid seeks to unite global industry efforts, create a common set of metrics, and develop technical resources and educational tools to further its goals.
More recently, a somewhat overlapping group of tech heavyweights called the Green Grid, including Intel, HP, Dell, Microsoft, IBM, Sun and AMD, announced a "roadmap" for the IT industry's adoption of more efficient data center hardware.
As feed-in tariffs expand to countries around the world, allowing early adopters a premium price for the green electricity they generate and sell back to the grid, the collection technologies will become ever more efficient and cheaper.
In keeping with Earth Hour's initiative, the quadrocopters will utilize batteries that were charged in Austria using green energy from the Austrian renewable energy grid specifically for this event.
ENGADGET: Quadrocopter fleet stuns Londoners with giant hovering Star Trek logo (video)
He talked about buying a bigger farm, about establishing revenue streams through horse shows and clinics, about getting off the grid and developing green, sustainable farm practices.
FORBES: Weathering The Storm: Pure Thoughts Horse Rescue Recovers From Isaac's Damage
His big worry about both the smart grid and other green energy programs is that tax incentives and government grants are hiding the true costs of the new technologies.
For example, in the mid-Atlantic, the organization that operates the power grid, PJM Interconnection LLC, has given the green light to only part of the proposed Allegheny and Dominion projects to meet power needs.
The race to be the leader in green-based chemicals is very reminiscent of the metamorphosis of the smart grid race.
But the stimulus put money out there to do green jobs, and to start retrofitting buildings, and start redoing the grid and redoing the infrastructure of the country.
Nanogeneration is not reliant on government subsidies, nor a national grid system, and represents an affordable way for people to play a role in the generation of green power.