This was the basis for the Desert Storm campaign that won the Gulf War in 1991.
The index was up 27 percent from its October 1990 low during the Gulf War.
The U.S. Navy says 288 cruise missiles were launched at Iraq during the Gulf War.
Mr Johnson voted against the last of these and against the Gulf war in 1991.
Little progress was said to have been made before the start of the Gulf war.
They were used in the Gulf war by Iraq to attack Israel and Saudi Arabia.
The Senator warned that statements made after the Gulf War had severely undercut that credibility.
In the Gulf War, F-15Es flew mainly at night to hit Scud missile launchers and artillery sites.
During the Gulf War, SAS teams penetrated deep within Iraq to search for mobile Scud missile launchers.
Major General Patrick Cordingley, a brigade commander in the Gulf war, said this was to be expected.
Biden during the Gulf War and have always thought he was a straight-shooter and very credible statesman.
Threatened by Iraq, the house of Saud tilted westward during the Gulf war and kept exports flowing.
That's the same weight as the magnets used in Iraq's gas centrifuge program before the Gulf War.
Before the Gulf war, only religious Shia Muslim women wore the abaya, the traditional head-to-toe black cloak.
Five weeks of continuous bombing during the Gulf war destroyed fewer weapons than the inspectors have since.
Southern Iraq to lay out the terms of the cease-fire ending the Gulf war with Iraq in 1991.
The dollar bounced by 10% in trade-weighted terms within two months of the end of the Gulf war.
In the Gulf War, such a threat apparently was sufficient to intimidate Saddam Hussein from employing chemical weapons.
During the initial stage of the Gulf war, prices moved up by 21%.
For the Gulf War, 73% said it was important to our security, and 78% said the military was successful.
The case differs greatly from that of the Gulf war to recover Kuwait.
But it says that Baghdad currently possesses only 10-20% of the conventional weapons it had during the Gulf War.
Immediately after the Gulf war, rebellions broke out in numerous parts of Iraq.
In the wake of the Gulf war of 1991, seven American carriers filed for bankruptcy and four liquidated themselves.
In the first few years after the Gulf war, America took in only about 4, 000 Iraqi refugees a year.
In September, consumer-confidence surveys registered the biggest monthly falls since the Gulf war.
This was deemed important because in the Gulf War the relatively featureless landscape caused problems in the Tercom terrain-following guidance.
BBC: cruise launch as seen through HMS Trafalgar's periscope
George Bush senior was highly popular through his first year and became more so after the Gulf war of 1991.
He flew 266 combat missions in Vietnam but is best known for masterminding the Gulf war air campaign in 1991.
The Iraqi air force, devastated by the Gulf War, had only 80 to 100 operational combat aircraft, according to Periscope.