The bug was exposed in a message posted to the Hacker News website.
In a comment added to the Hacker News message, Facebook security engineer Matt Jones said the links were typically only sent to the email addresses of account holders.
Husky Chat made a small splash in the Hacker News community on Monday after releasing a new feature called Lobby, which provides a place where everyone on Husky Chat can talk to one another, no matter where they are on the Internet.
According to the Naked Security blog, which cites Hacker News as the source of its story, an anonymous poster has uploaded a user database to, along with names and email addresses of people registered to
Almost all of the complex exploits that make news at the Defcon hacker conference are scary.
The message posted to Hacker News used a search syntax that exposed a system used by Facebook that lets users quickly log back in to their account.
Earlier this week members of LulzSec and the larger hacker group Anonymous defaced the website of the News Corp-owned paper The Sun in retaliation for the phone-hacking and cover up that took place at its sister paper, the now-defunct News Of The World.
FORBES: LulzSec Hackers Claim Partnership With Media To Release Stolen News Corp Emails
Someone claiming to be the man in question apologised in online forum Hacker News for any offence caused but denied saying anything inappropriate about "forking".
At least one hacker managed to change the web version of a Los Angeles Times news feature, the indictment says.
Autodesk (nasdaq: ADSK - news - people ) founder John Walker's "The Hacker's Diet" couples willpower with tools such as spreadsheets to engineer the weight away.
According to the federal grand jury indictment handed down in Sacramento, a hacker altered a Times news story posted Dec. 14 and 15, 2010, to read "Pressure builds in House to elect CHIPPY 1337, " a reference to another hacking group.
Hacker attacks on Sony,, and Honda Canada, fill the news while what is evidently a well planned and executed attack on the Defense Industrial Base using previously acquired RSA SecureID seeds is underway.
As users on Hacker News and Reddit point out, however, Apple modified its website recently to ensure the message is never displayed without visitors having to scroll down to the bottom first.
FORBES: Yet Even More Apple Samsung Apology: When Is A Page A Page?