The Hague tribunal has proved that it can conduct such trials successfully in 19 cases already.
After a slow start, the Hague tribunal looks set to prove the sceptics wrong.
Of 78 men known to have been indicted by the Hague tribunal (mostly Bosnian Serbs), 68 still remain at large.
In February 2005 the Hague tribunal indicted him for war crimes.
This week Dusan Tadic, a Bosnian Serb who had treated Muslims in the camps brutishly, became the second person to receive a prison sentence from the Hague tribunal.
Thomas Karremans, told The Hague tribunal in 1996 that he had first requested NATO air strikes when Mladic's troops began their assault on July 6, but that the request was not granted until July 11 when Srebrenica fell.
Zdravko Tolimir, a close aide to Bosnian Serb commander Ratko Mladic during the Bosnian War, is accused of war crimes at the international tribunal at The Hague.
As an indicted war crimes suspect, he could end up before the United Nations Tribunal in The Hague.
Of course, Mr Milosevic had to stand down eventually, and a subsequent Serbian leader delivered him up to the war crimes tribunal in the Hague.
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Croatia has also been promised it can begin negotiations as soon as it locates fugitive General Ante Gotovina, indicted for war crimes by the international criminal tribunal in The Hague.
He has promised to break with the Tudjman era's intense nationalism by opening Croatia up to Europe, stopping interference in Bosnia's affairs and co-operating more closely with the War Crimes Tribunal in The Hague.
Croatia's co-operation with the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague has been under close scrutiny.
His arrest follows increased contact between the Bosnian Serb authorities and the International War Crimes Tribunal in the Hague.
General Ojdanic has surrendered to the UN war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
And he advises Mr Kostunica to dispatch Mr Milosevic to the war-crimes tribunal in The Hague as soon as possible.
In the short term, though, Mr Sanader will have to resolve the problem of Ante Gotovina, a Croatian general indicted by the war-crimes tribunal in The Hague.
Mr Nikolic is officially the deputy president of the party as its leader, Vojislav Seselj is facing charges at the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
Also on the agenda will be Belgrade's level of co-operation with the International War Crimes Tribunal at the Hague and regional issues in southern Serbia, Kosovo and Montenegro.
Mr Djindjic and Mr Kostunica and their respective parties joined forces in 2000 to oust former president Slobodan Milosevic, but have clashed over a range of issues, including economic and legal reforms, and co-operation with the international war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
This is because the largest Serbian opposition group, the ultranationalist Radical Party, has imploded thanks to an internal war between the devotees of Vojislav Seselj, currently standing trial for war crimes at the United Nations' tribunal in The Hague, and the allies of the more pragmatic Tomislav Nikolic, who led the party within Serbia.
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That is certainly the case - and it is an argument that is put into practice every day in The Hague at the international war crimes Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.
Croatia has plenty of war to talk about: its part in the Bosnian wars, a war against corruption, trouble with the UN war-crimes tribunal in The Hague.
Mr Milosevic further thumbed his nose at the world by refusing to let a prosecutor from the international war-crimes tribunal at The Hague, Louise Arbour, enter Kosovo.
"We were the two women on the Law Review in our year, " recalls Bernstein's roommate, former U.S. Appeals Court Judge Patricia Wald, who now serves on the United Nations' war crimes tribunal in The Hague.
It has also tried to block the lawsuit by appealing to an arbitration tribunal in The Hague.
Last week, the Serbian authorities handed him to the U.N. war crimes tribunal in The Hague, Netherlands, which wants to try him in connection with the alleged war crimes in Kosovo.
After the conflict in Kosovo ended, in June, 1999, a tribunal in The Hague set out to punish the perpetrators of atrocities.
Since the Karadzic arrest in 2008, only two Serbs have been left on the wanted list of The Hague war-crimes tribunal.
ECONOMIST: More arrests and court cases revive bad Balkan memories
Damascus denied involvement in the staunchly pro-Saudi billionaire's murder, now the subject of an international tribunal which has opened in The Hague.