Mr Larijani went from head of the state broadcaster, Voice and Vision of the Islamic Republic of Iran (VVIRI), to speaker of parliament after his two years as nuclear negotiator.
Philip Parkin, head of the Voice union for educational professionals, said its own research revealed that staff in many schools were unaware of the dangers of asbestos.
Mohamed ElBaradei, the former head of the International Atomic Energy Agency and a leading voice in the liberal opposition, encapsulated the confusion among secularists.
He crept to the head of the stairway and heard Obie use a soft and rhythmic voice he had never heard before.
Another click, the voice states you have reached the head of the queue, your call will be answered as soon as the next operator becomes available.
Again and yet again the voice says you are at the head of the queue - by now you have spilt your coffee and the cat has been kicked away from under the table.
Up until recently, and barring the use of Bluetooth headsets, the constraints defining the upper practical limit of a phone included the ability to fit into a pocket and be held against the side of an (adult) head to facilitate a voice call.
Last month, the incoming head of Universities UK, Roderick Floud, speaking on behalf of university chiefs, added his voice to the criticism of the present system, saying that it was too complex and could deter applicants to higher education.
His sensual, velvety, high-contrast black-and-white images capture the exertions and exultations of music-making, and Costa eschews talking-head interviews and voice-overs in favor of trenchant depictions of technique, mood, and personal interactions.
It is able to analyse video and audio recordings in order to recognise gestures of both posture (moving the head in particular ways, for example) and voice (such as changes in pitch).
ECONOMIST: How to teach computers to make appropriate gestures
Dargel's songs make the case that real intimacy can be found in our day-to-day exchanges rather than the mundane profundity of more grandiose pop songs, and "Your Voice Is in My Head" is no exception.
However, while its screen size may be the same, the FonePad will include voice functionality, allowing anyone brave enough of heart and large enough of head to use it as they would a phone.
It was operated by voice commands and projected its data on to the windscreen, using the same sort of head-up display system found in modern fighter jets.