He was head of the health authority for 10 months that oversaw the hospital.
They had been sent to all primary and secondary schools in the health authority area.
MSPs also questioned local residents who have campaigned against the health authority's move.
He said the response from the health authority was "this is your problem - you need to meet the targets whatever the demand".
Brian Napier QC, for the health authority, argued that having responsibility of a managerial, supervisory or support nature did not of itself trigger the right to conscientious objection.
The scheme, which has close links with local addiction services and the health authority, also hopes to cut crime rates by beating the addiction as early as possible.
Paul Baggaley from the Say Yes to Newark Hospital campaign said he welcomed the move to increase services at the hospital, but hoped the health authority listened to what patients wanted.
Mr Neil, who made a statement to the Scottish Parliament on the report, said an internal investigation at the health authority found no evidence of waiting time manipulation or coercion of staff.
BBC: Audit Scotland warns NHS waiting list information 'poor'
As Sir David testified on Tuesday, the risk is that as they happen - as in 2005-06 when he was in charge of the health authority that oversaw Stafford - eyes are taken off the ball.
For example, last spring, we reached a consent decree with the Hertford County, North Carolina, Public Health Authority to resolve a claim that the Health Authority rescinded an offer of employment and refused to hire a woman for a Health Educator Specialist position after learning she was pregnant.
Shadow health secretary Andrew Lansley said the strategic health authority, which oversees NHS standards regionally, had had the "wool pulled over its eyes".
With support of the Oregon Health Authority, the city council voted to begin fluoridation in 2014.
He was briefly the boss of the Regional Health Authority overseeing the hospital while death rates were high.
It added its investigations were always subjected to external scrutiny by organisations such as the Strategic Health Authority and the CQC.
Dr Urquhart, who was employed by the Torbay Health Authority and the South Devon Healthcare NHS Trust, is accused of failing to recall three patients for assessment who had "significant clinical signs or symptoms".
The Health Minister said in February that the money would go to the Gwent Health Authority, which has excessive waiting times for orthopaedic services, which include hip replacements, knee joints and back surgery.
There are still senior officials in the health service and politics who were involved with Stafford Hospital at the time (NHS chief executive Sir David Nicholson was head of the regional health authority, while shadow health secretary Andy Burnham signed papers to allow the hospital to pursue foundation trust status when Labour was in power).
Debts from the old Health Authority have been passed onto the new trusts, who are now faced with having to find the money while trying to maintain services.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Cornwall | MP calls for health debt write-off
The strategic health authority now has to give its decision on the plans.
BBC: Staffordshire social care workers could transfer to NHS
The local health authority responsible for commissioning her care also opposed the application, saying the 52-year-old's life was "not without positive elements".
The provincial health authority raided several pharmacies and seized stocks of the syrup - media reports say the medicine was not past its expiry date.
As well as leading the NHS, he was in charge of the regional health authority responsible for Stafford Hospital during part of the period in question.
Meanwhile, there was a lack of clarity about the role of the regional health authority in monitoring quality and when concerns were brought to its attention the authority was too ready to put its faith in the hospital's management.
Sir David, they said, had "properly apologised for mistakes made at the time by the regional health authority".
The Strategic Health Authority has denied there is a shortage of beds.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | Somerset | Warning of mental health crisis
Dahl's piece was written for a leaflet initially published by the Sandwell Health Authority and now published on Oxford University's Vaccine Knowledge Project website.
He is chief executive of the NHS and was briefly in charge of the Regional Health Authority while death rates were high at Stafford Hospital.
"We will be working with Epsom and St Helier NHS Trust, NHS Surrey and the Strategic Health Authority to ensure existing services remain, " it said.
Ms Vaz and other members of the committee then went on to quiz Sir David about his leadership of the local health authority that oversaw Stafford Hospital.