And yet this leaves massive question marks at the heart of the whole International Financial Reporting Standard process.
But to get to point where you're actually streaming video, you have to go through the FlipShare app on the desktop, which is really the heart of the whole enterprise.
This damages the tissue around it and generates chaotic electrical activity across the whole heart.
And it means everybody, as business people and as voters, taking the interests of the whole world to heart.
When I got the news I lost my mind, I lost my heart and the whole world collapsed for me.
This level of structural detail allows a computer to mimic the behaviour of each and every muscle fibre, and thus to simulate the heart as a whole.
Nonetheless, the heart controversy has drastically slowed the growth of the whole cox-2 class and delayed the approval of additional cox-2 drugs.
Heart disease put the whole idea of risk screening on the map.
When asked where she got the courage to stand up unashamed in front of the whole world, she pointed to her heart.
David, in fact, would not throw his whole heart at the project until January of the next year, long after the team in Chicago had dispersed.
FORBES: How A YCombinator Startup Is Born: The Story Of Strikingly
"I take the whole transparency thing to heart, " he explained.
"My heart was in my throat the whole morning, " said Wayne Hale, the shuttle's deputy programme manager.
BBC: NEWS | Science/Nature | Shuttle soars but doubts remain
Experience a whole new world in the heart of Orlando's famous amusement parks and attractions with a one-night stay for up to four people in a one-bedroom villa at the five-star Westgate Town Centre resort, just a mile from Disney World.
Regardless, he wishes that the whole idea that LDL buildup causes heart disease were being tested by a better study.
FORBES: Merck's Big Vytorin Study Could Change Rules For New Cholesterol Drugs
Although previous studies have shown that women derive heart benefits from whole grain, the findings can't be immediately generalized beyond men.
He is always up for it, has bags of energy, wears his heart on his sleeve and gives the whole team a lift.
If a speech only lasts 20 minutes, the audience is more likely to listen intellectually, content to try on the idea, without listening with its whole heart.
"The new APC trial confirms that the safety issue--heart attack and stroke risk---is one that applies to the whole class of Cox-2 inhibitors, " says Eric Topol , chairman of cardiology at the Cleveland Clinic.
At heart, the film is no different from a whole string of Hollywood movies centering on mysterious madmen who may be legendary heroes.
It is of national importance because, although no one single document can tell the whole story, it is at the heart of the documentary evidence that has informed modern opinion on the First World War.
One way or another, the whole motley lot of them wants Yvaine's heart.
Oatmeal is a terrific source of heart-healthy whole grains, and I commend you for making the effort to include oats in your diet on a regular basis.
If the whole mission of Techonomy is based on the assumption that technology today lies at the heart of economic progress, it seems fair to ask: Does it really?
FORBES: Polling Techonomists: Is Technology Truly at the Heart of Progress?
Taken as a whole, all three main parties were in good heart and full of expectations for the battle ahead.
And while the one-time superstar might be smarting from such an ignominious end to the season, he might take heart from knowing that another New York A Rod has got it a whole lot worse than he does.
The claim states that a diet rich in whole-grain foods and low in saturated fat and cholesterol may help reduce the risk of heart disease.
Amanda Sandford, research manager for the organisation Action on Smoking and Health, said smoking tobacco causes a whole range of diseases such as heart disease, respiratory disorders and cancer, while using NRT as an aid to stopping has none of these risks.