• The Home Office should either deport or support young asylum seekers who have been refused the right to remain, the leader of Kent County Council has said.

    BBC: Paul Carter

  • In November 2012, he was released on bail when the courts blocked the home secretary's attempt to deport him to Jordan, but was arrested last month for allegedly breaching the strict bail conditions.

    BBC: UK Politics

  • The home secretary's subsequent attempt to deport Mr Naseer to Pakistan was blocked by the courts on the grounds that he could be tortured.

    BBC: Terror suspect Abid Naseer US extradition approved

  • Before the creation of Siac, the government relied on Whitehall officials - "Three Wise Men" - to review secret material and the home secretary's decision to deport.

    BBC: Can a spook judge the spooks?

  • In November 2012, he was released on bail from prison in when the courts blocked the home secretary's latest attempt to deport him to Jordan.

    BBC: Abu Qatada deportation decision due

  • The outcry led to the scrapping of regulations that allowed the police to detain people and deport them to their home towns for similar misdemeanours.

    ECONOMIST: Migration in China

  • The Home Office has estimated it would take more than 30 years to deport them all.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | Call for immigrant amnesty in UK

  • And the state is home to activists of all stripes, from those who want to deport illegal immigrants to those who want to give them a path to citizenship.

    NPR: Immigration Stalemate Frustrates Arizona

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