Thaksin will retain a minority stake and remain on the board as honorary president without any administrative responsibilities, Al-Fahim said.
Former Tour de France winner Greg LeMond called on McQuaid and the UCI's honorary president Hein Verbruggen to resign over their handling of the case.
Last week, former president Joao Havelange - who ruled the organization between 1974 and 1988 - resigned as FIFA's honorary president after the 96-year-old was ruled to have taken bribes in a report by ethics chairman Eckert.
Although the post of president is largely honorary, the incumbent does provide an important link between the members and the committee.
The opening session will bring together Ms Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, Abdou Diouf, Secretary-General of La Francophonie and Honorary President of the Forum, and Boutros Butros-Ghali, President of the Egyptian National Council for Human Rights and Vice-President of the Forum.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The financial crisis is the result of the death in July of the railway's honorary president David Clarke, who acted as its financial guarantor.
President Barack Obama -- the honorary head of the Scouts, as is every president -- supports gay and lesbians in Girl and Boy Scouts, as does former Republican presidential nominee Mitt Romney, a Mormon.
Labour peer Lord Morris, honorary president of the Haemophilia Society, asked how many people may have been affected and what services had been offered to patients.
Meanwhile, Mr Wigley, who will be confirmed as Plaid honorary president at the conference, has told party magazine Triban Coch must change or "the consequences - for the party and for Wales - could be too horrendous to contemplate".
Tim Mickleburgh, honorary vice president of the National Piers Society, said he was optimistic that somebody would buy it.
The 73-year-old Robson, who became honorary president of Ipswich this summer, was paraded in front of supporters at Portman Road before the team's opening Championship game of the season.
Mr Pirie-Gordon had been treasurer and honorary vice-president of the Royal Geographical Society, which helps fund polar exploration, and was also treasurer of the QNI.
Mr Goodeve-Docker had dedicated the trip to his "nutty adventurer grandfather", Patrick Pirie-Gordon, who had been treasurer and honorary vice-president of the Royal Geographical Society, which helps fund polar exploration.
Lazio president Claudio Lotito, Fiorentina honorary president Diego Della Valle and Reggina president Pasquale Foti are also among the accused.
Joao Havelange, who led soccer's world governing body from 1974 to 1998 and served on the International Olympic Committee for almost half a century, resigned as FIFA's honorary president after a FIFA-commissioned report showed he had accepted bribes in the late 1990s.
Branagh spent his early years in Northern Ireland, where he is now honorary President of NICVA supporting all the organisations in the voluntary and community sector.
The aim of the Foundation, whose Honorary Chairman is former US President Bill Clinton, is to impact 100 underprivileged children for every student enrolled at a GEMS School.
UNESCO: Detailview | United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
The university president panicked and took the unprecendented move of overturning his trustees' decision and agreed to give Kushner the honorary degree.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: CUNY, Tony Kushner and Jeffrey Wiesenfeld
Fifa president Sepp Blatter will grant honorary membership status to the Makana Football Association, which was formed by prisoners on the island during the apartheid era.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Fifa honours inmate footballers
The Seminar was also attended by Mr. Paul Schaffer, Holocaust survivor and Honorary President of Yad Vashem-France.
On Thursday its honorary president-to-be, Dafydd Wigley, addresses a meeting on the conference fringe.
It announced the timetable for the leadership election on the same day it kicked off a drive to recruit new members, fronted by former leader and honorary president Lord Wigley.
Mrs Blair, a barrister, is honorary vice-president, formerly president, of Barnardo's, and president of the Loomba Foundation, which campaigns to alleviate the plight of widows around the world.
BBC: Cherie Blair made a CBE for charity work in New Year Honours
The Director General met with the five laureates of the Eighth Edition of the Holocaust Essay Contest, organised by the Simon Wiesenthal Centre and the Association "Verbe et Lumiere, " in presence of Shimon Samuels, Director for International Relations of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre, Dr. Ilya Altman, Director of the Russian Research and Educational Holocaust Centre, together with Mr. Paul Schaffer, Holocaust survivor and Honorary President of Yad Vashem-France.