They're worried about wind picking it up and stoking the hot spots there are.
He helped move people out of all the hot spots of the Cold War, including Southeast Asia and Moscow.
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Jeff Brenner has not been the only one to recognize the possibilities in focussing on the hot spots of medicine.
He made block-by-block maps of the city, color-coded by the hospital costs of its residents, and looked for the hot spots.
First of all, protect the border, protect the border, protect the border - that's why he's down at Yuma, one of the hot spots.
These days "Luxe Life" offers video of some of the hot spots Leach writes about--and gives readers a chance to make hotel reservations online.
While terrorism, war and political unrest have hammered the travel and leisure industry, they sure haven't stopped big North American hotel operators from developing properties abroad, even in the hot spots.
In " Flight To Safety ", you wrote about an airline company located in England that helps to evacuate employees and executives from the hot spots of the world when needed.
The Index also showed that although fuel-cell technologies remained the hottest of the hot spots in cleantech IP development, solar technologies received more attention than wind power in terms of overall patenting activity in 2010.
Like the first book, the new book surveys the hot spots in the clean tech space, which include net-zero energy green buildings, advanced waste heat technologies for combined heat and power and several other technologies.
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He learned about the former New York City police commissioner William Bratton and the Compstat approach to policing that he had championed in the nineties, which centered on mapping crime and focussing resources on the hot spots.
How does he intend to frame the U.S. response to some of the hot spots in the world right now, whether it be Syria, the unrest in the Middle East, the issue with the potential concern of Israel confronting Iran?
Dubbed "Ask the Locals, " the campaign features general advice--from celebrity New Yorkers like Robert De Niro and Jimmy Fallon on print ads and phone hot lines--on navigating the city and finding the best hot spots beyond obvious landmarks like the Statue of Liberty and the Empire State Building.
Bromsgrove in Worcestershire is inevitably one of the property hot spots where values have generally risen whatever the condition of the economy as a whole.
Then throw in all the public hot spots, home Wi-Fi connections, wireless workplaces and web-enabled PDAs.
The recurring hot spots include southeast Louisiana, central and southern California, and areas around Dallas, Houston, Chicago and Phoenix.
Mr. Rechler, chief executive of RXR Realty LLC, is betting that Midtown, where leasing has slowed in the past 18 months, will regain its status as New York's most desirable office district when the economy picks up and more old-guard companies look for extra space and as rent in the trendy hot spots grows more expensive.
It's a kind of early-warning system to track the transmission of viruses in virus hot spots around the world.
And I remain committed to being a partner with countries around the world, and in particular hot spots around the world, to see if we can reduce those tensions and ultimately resolve those conflicts.
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Clinton acknowledged that her legacy includes unsolved problems in some of the world's hot spots, but noted that she assumed the job four years ago at a time of great uncertainty.
However the effects of the mounting fears about the global economic hot spots are difficult to predict.
Seven people died in Northern Ireland, while Essex was the only one of the six top hot spots to escape a fatality.
We get a basically homogeneous signal density in our chamber - in other words, we don't get the hot and cold spots you get in your home microwave.
In the near future, hot spots will be less attractive than cool ones that offer no access to the Internet.
After the Bee Gees, though, it took 24 years for another artist to claim the top two spots on the Billboard Hot 100.
We talked further as we walked around the museum, pausing at several birding hot spots alas, all the specimens were taxidermied.
In recent years, the general pattern has been cases scattered across the country along with hot spots with more illnesses.
You pick a side, pro-energy or anti-energy, and do battle in the real world against the other side by linking energy hot spots to one another, creating protected zones on the map.
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As one who has conducted field research and been mountaineering in the Himalayas for over four decades, I can personally attest to unbelievably dramatic changes in the glacial profiles I have witnessed over those many years, as well as recognizing what is now termed aerosol hot spots, the warming combination of dust and carbon in the air.