Senator Ernest Hollings, a South Carolina Democrat, and Richard Gephardt, the House minority leader, support Mr Helms's idea.
"It's a tough environment for Republicans, there's no question about it, " said Rep. John Boehner, the House minority leader.
Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who will be the House Minority Leader in the new Congress, quickly called the plan "simply unacceptable" and some conservatives ruled out the idea of increasing taxes.
If Democrats fail to gain control of the House, the question on the table for Gephardt would be whether to stay as the House minority leader while actively campaigning for president.
Vice-President Al Gore is keen to strengthen his ties with Richard Gephardt, the House minority leader and a champion of the steel industry, who is backing his presidential bid next year.
Sources told CNN the notion of a Gephardt candidacy has been actively promoted by three Gore aides with close ties to the House minority leader -- campaign manager Donna Brazile, campaign chairman Bill Daley, and media adviser Robert Shrum.
CNN: Sources: Gore campaign and Gephardt in 'serious' running mate talks
Today in an opinion piece in the Des Moines Register, the House Minority Leader recycles the same tired, discredited rhetorical arguments about health care reform to try to make his case for eliminating the landmark benefits the President signed into law for American families this week.
"There's been too much spending under the Republicans over the last couple of years, but if you begin to look at what's happen over the last month and what's being proposed in this budget, the president's beginning to make President Bush like a piker when it comes to spending, " said Rep. John Boehner, the House minority leader.
And I think -- again, I would point you to comments made by the House and Senate leaders, including the Speaker of the House and the Senate Minority Leader, about their desire to avoid a shutdown.
And we've heard recently some intimations from the Senate Majority Leader and from the Speaker of the House -- or the Senate Minority Leader and the Speaker of the House that they think we should do a payroll tax, but the question is what price will they extract from the President in order to get it done.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Speaks on Confirming Richard Cordray
After reports that Emanuel had agreed to be Obama's chief of staff on Thursday, the top Republican in the House, Minority Leader John Boehner of Ohio, questioned the president-elect's pick.
CNN: Emanuel expected to bring 'tough-minded' approach to White House
Word recently leaked that the former House Minority Leader, Edwards and Iowa Gov. Tom Vilsack are being vetted by the Kerry campaign for VP.
We take leaders of the Congress, the Speaker of the House and the Senate Minority Leader at their word that they do not want a shutdown, which is why we believe that there is still reason to hope that if everyone sits down at the table and is reasonable, that we can find an agreement.
Sometimes it's blatant -- like the time current House Minority Leader John Boehner handed out checks from big tobacco companies to lawmakers on the floor of the House of Representatives.
CNN: Edwards' October 13, 2007, speech on restoring democracy
The consequences, as Secretary Geithner and many others, including the Speaker of the House, Senator Minority Leader, Congressman Ryan have pointed out, the consequences of not -- of failing to raise the debt ceiling would be Armageddon-like in terms of the economy on -- the impact on interest rates, on job creation, on growth would be devastating.
This is the approach of House minority leader Dick Gephardt, who as a likely presidential contender in 2000 has to weigh the benefits of reform against the risks of turning off the money spigot.
Attendees at the event included House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi as well as Senators Chuck Schumer and Dick Durbin, according to a spokesperson for Powell Jobs.
While one Democratic source said the Senate version could get taken up in the House if Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell or Boehner don't raise a blue-slip objection, Republican sources rejected that scenario.
CNN: Down to the fiscal cliff wire, with no solution in sight
After the meeting, leaders in both parties said they would begin work on the legislation immediately, and House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt, D-Missouri, suggested Congress try to pass legislation creating the new department by the September 11 anniversary -- so that it could be up and running by the first of 2003.
Yesterday, the complaints came from House Minority Leader John Boehner.
"In our caucus a number of members brought up the idea of trying to move to postpone this vote until the ethics process is finished with the speaker, " House Minority Leader Dick Gephardt told reporters.
His advisors met earlier in the day and some progress was reported in winning Democratic votes, although several sources said it remained an uphill fight because of the aggressive opposition of House Minority Leader Richard Gephardt (D-Mo.).
CNN: AllPolitics - Clinton Keeps Pushing For 'Fast Track' Authority
You should ask the Speaker of the House, the Majority Leader, the Senate Minority Leader, do they believe President Reagan was wrong when he said that back in 1985, saying essentially word for word what the President said today?
"Commander Robot is now the Bill Gates of the kidnapping industry, " sneered House Minority floor Leader Feliciano Belmonte, who is critical of the way the government is handling the crisis.
The first is the effort led principally by Democrats like House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Senators John Kerry and Carl Levin aimed at ending the U.S. involvement in Iraq.
"The risk in not acting is much greater than the risk in acting, " said House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio, in a passionate plea on the House floor before the vote.
Some Democrats would criticize Gephardt's support of the war in Iraq and his inability to lead Democrats to majority status in the House during his years as minority leader.
The core of support for the GE engine lies among legislators like House minority leader John Boehner of Ohio, whose district stands to gain hundreds of jobs from the program.
Speaking on the Senate floor Tuesday, Minority Leader Mitch McConnell also said the White House should have spoken up sooner.
The Minority Leader of the House of Representatives and former Speaker of the House is the sole female voice at the table when congressional leaders meet with President Obama.