He predicted that the legislation would receive substantial opposition when it arrived in the House of Lords.
BBC: Gay marriage: MPs back bill despite Conservative backbench opposition - BBC News
The Marriage (Same Sex Couples) Bill now goes before the House of Lords.
He now had three "pulpits" - the Church, the House of Lords and the banking commission.
BBC: Archbishop criticises City for 'culture of entitlement'
And the House of Lords, incidentally, will almost certainly acquire members deputed from Scotland and Wales.
The bill was given an unopposed second reading, as is customary in the House of Lords.
Do you think he should automatically go to the House of Lords after all of this?
Where Labour-held seats disappear, natural retirements or the House of Lords may offer a way out.
The 64-year-old said he felt "very honoured to be appointed" to the House of Lords.
It currently has 12 MEPs and 31 councillors, with three peers in the House of Lords.
E-commerce pioneer and government adviser Martha Lane Fox is to join the House of Lords.
The House of Lords is surely the balance between the elected parliament and the people.
She apologised "unreservedly" to the organisation, in a personal statement in the House of Lords.
Another of their projects, reform of the House of Lords, looks set to fail.
Until now Britain's ultimate court has been constituted as a committee in the House of Lords.
That means scrapping the House of Lords and replacing it with a new, elected second chamber.
Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan said Mr Lansley's criticism of the House of Lords was "breathtaking".
Katerva will hold an awards ceremony at the House of Lords in London in late May.
Labour continued the practice when it took over, throwing in membership of the House of Lords.
The House of Lords is still with us, and will be for some time.
All three major parties pledged before the last general election to democratise the House of Lords.
Removal of the right of hereditary peers to sit and vote in the House of Lords.
BBC: News | Talking Politics | Constitutional Reform since 1997
Lord Williams officially took up his seat in the House of Lords this week.
Subsequently, the issue was raised by Lord Kilbracken, an Irish peer in the House of Lords.
The red-leather benches of the House of Lords seldom appear on the evening news.
Though fairly few have been elected to Parliament, there are plenty in the House of Lords.
That became the subject of a court case that went up to the House of Lords.
Miller appealed the decision, and next week the House of Lords will render its judgment.
The House of Commons is booting the hereditary peers out of the House of Lords.
However, the House of Lords passed an amendment to take these provisions out of the bill.
He is also deputy government chief whip and Lib Dem chief whip in the House of Lords.