It is the seat of the two houses of the Parliament of the United Kingdom (the House of Lords and the House of Commons).
The chairman of the Public Accounts Committee of the House of Commons, David Davies, argues that the rise in crime justifies a 25% increase in police numbers.
When I did a programme on benefits abuse, I got four million viewers but if I'd made the same speech in the House of Commons, I would be lucky that forty people outside the House of Commons knew anything about it.
Last year, the independent MP was convicted of assault in the Strangers bar in the House of Commons and later resigned from the Labour Party.
The same day will see a referendum on changing the electoral system for the House of Commons to the Alternative Vote (AV), in which candidates are ranked in order of preference.
Question time is shared by the Transport Secretary Patrick McLoughlin, the Leader of the House Andrew Lansley, and John Thurso of the House of Commons Commission - who could well be asked if any horsemeat has made it into the various parliamentary canteens.
He was a strict Puritan and acquired the nickname of "Strickland the Stinger" for the ferocity of his debating style in the House of Commons.
BBC: William Strickland: The man who gave us the turkey dinner
But today's commission in the spotlight is the McKay commission, set up by the coalition government to look at the consequences of devolution for the House of Commons.
"It's a significant insult to the primacy of Parliament and the House of Commons to whom the chancellor should be accountable, " he continued.
Now the Tory MP, who represents the seat of Elmet and Rothwell near Leeds, has decided to withdraw the bill he introduced in the House of Commons at the time, but this is far from the last we have heard from him on the matter.
But even as the reception centres are being prepared for the new influx from Kosovo, the government is putting legislation through the House of Commons to reduce the numbers and cut the costs of asylum-seekers from other parts of the world.
Under the Conservative plans, the charter could only be amended by the recognition body if the leaders of the three main political parties in the House of Commons agreed and any changes were approved in Parliament.
The power of the purse would be transferred from the House of Commons to the Governor and Directors of the new Company.
What is glaringly apparent is, once again, the issue of MPs and their expenses has shown its apparently unending ability to embarrass the denizens of the House of Commons, from the prime minister down.
The package of measures was passed in the House of Commons despite the first major backbench rebellion faced by the coalition government.
In his later years he became the Father of the House of Commons, the longest-serving MP.
The commission - chaired by Paul Silk, a former clerk to the Welsh assembly and the House of Commons - is examining how the Welsh government is funded, looking at whether it should take further responsibility for raising the money it spends.
The setting up of the Welsh Lothian commission was announced in the coalition agreement in 2010, although it won't be called the West Lothian commission but the commission on the consequences of devolution for the House of Commons.
Labour leader Ed Miliband, whose phrase "squeezed middle" - referring to those hit hardest by falling living standards - was word of the year in 2011, made the first recorded use of omnishambles in the House of Commons in April.
MPs debated the issue of Europe in the House of Commons and backed a motion by the Democratic Unionists commending Mr Cameron's use of the veto as a "vital means" of protecting the UK's interests by 278 votes to 200.
The deputy speaker of the house is elected by all members of the House of Commons.
These are papers from the EU which have been referred to the full House of Commons by the European Scrutiny Committee, and this latest group cover the reform of the EU Court of Justice, the draft budget and the EU Human Rights Strategy.
The claim was made by the SNP's Eilidh Whiteford, opening the debate in Westminster Hall, although the debate has previously taken place in the main chamber of the House of Commons.
After all, the original Child Support Act, bane of the previous government, passed the House of Commons without a single dissenting vote.
Americans may not be as worried as Britons about the legality of the war, but the House of Commons is likely to watch with envy their representatives' ability to hold the executive to account.
Those questions, some of the answers we may get in a statement in the House of Commons in the morning, but tonight along with all those families who are anxious, inside Whitehall, inside Downing Street, there is real deep concern.
The artist will perform at the Terrace Bar of the House of Commons next month in support of an initiative which aims to raise awareness of community music.
Cook walked out of his job as Leader of the House of Commons before the conflict began, while Short resigned later after a period of soul-searching about whether to stay on in the post.
The first Welsh Questions of the year has taken place in the House of Commons.
Many political commentators believe he will enter the House of Lords soon after leaving the House of Commons.
BBC: NEWS | UK | UK Politics | Prescott to stand down as Hull MP