They remain similar in different mammals, but the human brain is crammed with more of them.
For instance, the human brain learns best through pictures, not through the written or spoken word.
John Donoghue of Brown University described his work connecting computers directly to the human brain.
And the human brain, it turns out, is quite good at making and retaining pictures.
The human brain prefers happy faces, recognizing them more quickly than those with negative expressions.
Research shows clearly that the human brain retains more from the bad memories than the good.
The human brain is an amazing organ, especially the newer areas with their higher-level reasoning abilities.
President Obama is outlining a multi-billion dollar plan to map the human brain.
Today, our scientists are mapping the human brain to unlock the answers to Alzheimer's.
The good news is that the human brain has a startling capacity to change.
When the human brain was evolving, such stimuli would not have been two-dimensional images.
This is absolutely fascinating to me, and just demonstrates how strange the human brain can be sometimes.
Besides, it turns out the human brain may not work on a top-down hierarchical model after all.
But today's neuroeconomists are not the first dismal scientists to dream of peering inside the human brain.
After a decade or more, it may even be possible to create a model of the human brain.
The human brain also has a natural tendency to fill in voids when information is not readily available.
Unlike the popular human time-sink, this was all in the name of science: specifically, simulating the human brain.
ENGADGET: Google simulates the human brain with 1000 machines, 16000 cores and a love of cats
In the human brain, designed by evolution, every tiny part is very different from every other tiny part.
FORBES: Inside Paul Allen's Quest To Reverse Engineer The Brain
And nothing is more so than the most complicated structure we know of in the universe, the human brain.
It was the need to fit in more columns that forced the human brain into its crinkly, wrinkled shape.
According to Medina, the human brain evolved over millions of years to learn, problem-solve and survive while in motion.
And they have come about without upgrading the human brain genetically or physiologically.
WSJ: Are We Really Getting Smarter? Why IQ Scores Keep Rising
Without sustained social interaction, the human brain may become as impaired as one that has incurred a traumatic injury.
Toxoplasma can also infect the human brain, making men distrustful of others and less likely to heed moral rules.
Allen's institute is devoted to research on how the human brain works, particularly in regard to health and disease.
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The human brain, the organ that keeps track of our lives, remains one of the most remarkable creations ever known.
In other words, what if we designed it around what we know about the human brain and how it learns best?
People understand words better than value curves, because a love of stories, intrigue and relationships is hard-wired in the human brain.
Research projects investigating the "miracle material" graphene and the human brain have won unprecedented funding of up to 1bn euros each.
Professor Robin Dunbar is best known for his work related to how many stable social relationships the human brain can manage.
FORBES: Study: The Bigger Your Brain, the More Friendships You Can Manage