Hundreds of other venues like the Hustler Club awaited the results on appeal.
The Hustler Club in New York also filed a brief in the case.
The saccharine rhetoric around entrepreneurship today hides an extraordinarily rapid behind-the-scenes actual devaluation of the hustler class in real terms.
Dorf advised every start-up team to have members that fall into three categories: the hacker, the hustler and the artist.
Memorable in The Hustler in 1961, the following year saw him as the bomb-loving US General Buck Turgidson in Doctor Strangelove.
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Though the hustler can often do some hacking as well, the term has come to mean the person leading marketing, product management and fund-raising activities in the early stages.
The hacker has to figure out the coding, the hustler has to gather and re-evaluate feedback from potential customers, and the artist has to specialize in creating graphics and artwork that would be used to market the new product or service, he noted.
In the second tier, the hustler class of new-money industrialists produced a first generation of Robber Barons, and then an asymmetric balance of power between bankers and second-generation hustlers who aspired to Robber Baron level fortunes (egged on by Horatio Alger narratives), but ended up as the tame new middle class.
But the all time whopper of calculated deception that Obama tells is the fable of the Great Hustler Warren Buffett.
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So it was no surprise that during a visit to Florida two decades ago, the former pool hustler from South Carolina walked into a bingo hall and started chatting with the owner.
As in the original film, the story is about a small-time hustler who foolishly invades the turf of a powerful sports promoter and is decisively slapped down for his efforts.
Mike Damone, the ticket-scalping hustler with a stamina problem, would not exactly be thriving in 2010 either.
So a more careful statement of my thesis would be: non-technical hustler founders of technology startups are the new labor.
When it comes down to it, Jay Z is the epitome of what it means to be a Hustler.
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Not only could you trust a hustler with a few flameouts to understand the emerging contours of the post-Internet industrial landscape, you could trust him (and it is still mostly him) to have developed a set of good relationships for hiring and business development.
In 1892 an ambitious irrigation engineer and hustler named Charles Robinson Rockwood came up with the first plan to harness the river's wealth, a canal that would funnel water into a dried-out riverbed, irrigating the surrounding desert.
In this environment, a world apart from the early frontier days of the Internet, hackers today universally exhibit a certain mercenary sensibility, cannily juggling multiple offers, playing judge in hustler beauty contests at hackathons, planning acqui-hire trajectories, and in general maximizing their value as the stewards of the new body of technical knowledge.
Huizenga didn't think much of Berrard's accounting degree, but he recognized him as a fellow hustler, and made sure he had some on-the-job training with Waste Management.
Instead of focusing on whether a longtime hustler with a history of making grandiose statements about his scientific process could really defy the laws of physics and chemistry, the SEC should have spent its time figuring out who facilitated the sale of so much worthless stock on the open market.
At worst, it brings to mind a hustler who thrusts their card aggressively in your face with barely a hello uttered, all the while scanning over your shoulder for someone more important.
The doctor in "Mama, " played by Daniel Kash, is a psychologist, and a shameless hustler.