And the plummy tones of Blowers instantly evoke the idyll of summer evenings, village greens and ample pints of frothing ale.
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Almost at once the area was thronged with wealthy British tourists, who saw in these peaceful, grand valleys the bucolic idyll they had lost in smoky, crowded Britain.
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This is the Japanese idyll.
Duigan and his cinematographer, Geoff Burton, merge the luxuriant erotic tension of a tropical idyll with the clammy apprehension of gothic fiction.
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Time and again he returns in his operas and other vocal music to the theme of childhood as an Eden-like idyll of innocence that is disrupted by the intrusion of sexually knowing adults.
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At times, the movie becomes a wistful idyll of rural American childhood under threat.
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Then came the events that shattered this picture of domestic idyll.
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Located at the foot of the rocky Taurus Mountains, the tree-house villages are a modern beach idyll.
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Though there was anti-Semitism as well, the budding novelist always looked back on this time as a kind of idyll, and maintained lifelong friendships with his high-school chums.
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The most famous race in Formula One -- a fixture on the calendar since 1950 -- brings a change of pace to Monaco's Mediterranean idyll.