Is he not a particle of a dead life that has drifted in from the imaginary void?
The imaginary letters that Olga Knipper wrote to Chekhov after he died are among the most moving.
"Feathers are one of the things that transit the imaginary boundary we put between the human and natural world, " he explained.
Without Saint-Nazaire, a primitive part of him was deprived of the imaginary care that had kept him sane as a child.
The Director of The Imaginary Foundation had longed dreamed of creating a physical environment to portray the wondrous intersection of Science and Art.
FORBES: Virtual Art Exhibit Explores the Connection Between Art and Science
It's this vivid blurring of the real and the imaginary, the material world and the spiritual, that's at the heart of Cameron's movie.
Some of the dances involve masks (including the imaginary lion-like "shishi" of myths), others include child dancers, reflecting variations among the four groups.
When the imaginary is presented as fact, hard and hypervisible, right down to the popping buttons of a waistcoat, does the magic not drop off?
But the imaginary system that Stajano lays out over twenty pages includes plenty of clever ideas for how to create such a universal key fob.
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In the story and the libretto, the Bricklayer is the imaginary visitor of Mr. Parvin, a frail, elderly Iranian who emigrates to Houston with his wife.
My daughter has long since outgrown the imaginary friend stage.
The brain behind your visual receptors knows that the man couldn't survive, but to Brandt, the important aspect is that a person has the imaginary quality to ask how.
Another dilemma: Should I defend my original column (" Fat, florid, farcical") or the imaginary Microsoft suck-up job that Dvorak thinks I wrote and somewhat justifiably tees off on?
Many men become obsessed with "Shanghai roses" even before they set foot in the city, held fast by the imaginary fragrance of the flowers and their enchantingly suggestive intimacy.
One of our main goals was to allow visitors to experience their movement through the building as a kind of participation in the imaginary movement of images on the screen.
ENGADGET: Museum of The Moving Image plans multi-million dollar updates with HD, 3D
Del Toro had filled the house with dozens of monster maquettes from his films scale models created by special-effects shops during the early design phase, allowing the imaginary to become palpable.
The Chimera eventually moved to the Uffizi, and then again to the National Archaeological Museum of Florence, where it can be seen today, a splendid example of the imaginary turned nearly real.
WSJ: The Imaginary Made Nearly Read | The Chimera of Arezzo | Masterpiece by Judith H. Dobrzynski
He's so focussed on his mission to spread his banking revolution, the most I could commit him to was a loan of his time to offer advice to whoever got the imaginary top job.
The installation is no longer physically at San Francisco, but the Imaginary Foundation has created the next best thing: a virtual art exhibit, which enables you to explore the installation and the art therein.
FORBES: Virtual Art Exhibit Explores the Connection Between Art and Science
Touchscreens and second screens are hot right now, and that would mean that the imaginary Sony controller is starting to look like the Playstation Vita, which I would guess will also be available as a PS4 controller.
Conceived as a capsule for the imaginary voyage of moviegoing, the theater has a wraparound ceiling and walls made of 1, 136 fabric panels in a sensuous, vibrant Yves Klein blue, altering the viewer's depth perception and encouraging a sensation of being suspended in the space.
ENGADGET: Museum of The Moving Image plans multi-million dollar updates with HD, 3D
The owner ceases to be grateful for his current customers and switches his loyalty away from the real men and women who currently do business with him and toward the imaginary men and women whom he hopes will do business with him when he makes it big.
Yes, it was as if an entire generation of Americans consented to hopping aboard a giant hamster wheel of accumulation, all striving toward the imaginary objective of acquiring enough stuff and a pot of money big enough to sustain a comfortable level of consumption through to the grave.
He enriched an Arabic literature which, while perhaps incomparable for its poetry, was then still largely innocent of the fully formed imaginary world of the novel.
Gnomes and fairies, while sharing the same imaginary space, are opposite sorts of creature.
Councillor Peter Wheatley said Natural England had agreed for the "imaginary" line to be moved but was waiting for a written confirmation.
Perry has worked in the Sims medium before, releasing a music-video for Hot and Cold in Simlish, the Sims imaginary language, in 2008.
Think about the end of the stage as an imaginary wall between the presenter and the audience.
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Trying to puzzle out the best way to convey my sense that the Conservative opposition in Britain is preparing to pick the wrong battles with Europe, I decided to draft an imaginary email to the Conservative leader David Cameron, from an equally imaginary party policy group.
And so, layered atop the convoluted tax provision for percentage depletion, the fancy term for imaginary depreciation writeoffs, is a penalty called the alternative minimum tax.