"The asset sale program is independent of the evaluation" of whether to divide the company, says Cazalot.
Students in the program pursue independent research projects, complete an interdisciplinary curriculum, gain entrepreneurial skills, and participate in service-learning activities such as Engineers Without Borders.
"We support and will enforce the ruling of this independent tribunal under the Tennis Anti-Doping Program, " he added.
Although the company would pay this individual, having someone outside the company administer the program signals a desire to create an independent claims process.
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But they are refusing to allow independent analysis of the program's source code, on the grounds of commercial confidentiality.
This story was produced through collaboration between NPR and Kaiser Health News (KHN), an editorially independent program of the Henry J.
While Hamilton is able to maintain his state-provided health care coverage until age 21 if he completes the requirements of an independent living program such as FILP, thousands of other foster kids cannot.
Amazon says most of its more controversial works end up on its site through the Amazon Advantage program, which lets small independent publishers sell their wares on the site.
This practice can result in dolphin mortality as the tuna are captured, although dolphin death has declined significantly since the institution of the International Dolphin Conservation Program, which places independent observers on all Mexican tuna fishing vessels in the region.
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The reason the program existed in the first place was to give independent bookstores a way to get involved in the growing market of ebooks and digital reading, to give them a chance to survive the ebook revolution.
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But Democrats and some Republicans have questioned the legality of the program, and some lawmakers have called for an independent investigation or congressional hearings.
As you know, in October 1997, the NASA Administrator chartered the Cost Assessment and Validation (CAV) Task Force, chaired by Jay Chabrow, to perform an independent review of the Space Station program.
WHITEHOUSE: Jacob J. Lew Testimony to House Science Committee, 08/06/1998 | The White House
Products entered in the CES Innovations program are judged by a preeminent panel of independent industrial designers, engineers, and members of the media to honor outstanding design and engineering in cutting-edge consumer electronics products across 29 categories.
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On Friday police also raided offices of the ZESN -- an independent election observation group -- in Harare, according to a program manager for the group.
New product applications are reviewed by the ASN and NSF and the program is governed by a board of nine directors: Four seats belong to independent experts, four are held by food industry executives and the ninth is for someone with "no skin in the game, " according to Hughes.
As I said, an independent commission was formulated to study where the program was, whether it was capable of fulfilling what it said it was going to do.
Juhie Bhatia reported from Morocco on a fellowship from the International Reporting Project (IRP), an independent journalism program based in Washington, D.
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An independent pilot effort known as the Latin New Car Assessment Program has run initial tests of Brazil's most popular car models, and the results are bleak.
The program would also require teacher testing in public schools and in independent schools that accept tuition coupons.
The program will rely on traveler feedback, and any discrepancies could trigger an independent audit of the hotel.
Unlike the streamlined version, this loan requires an independent 203(k) consultant to visit the site to ensure compliance with the program.
The caveat being that any undefeated BCS team from a major conference or a major independent program such as Notre Dame would automatically be given a berth.
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Independent auditors found that Lockheed has only achieved a 7% operating margin on the program to date, which is far below the kind of returns that commercial companies typically generate on cutting-edge technology work.
The industry's leading trade group, the National Association of Campus Stores, tested a Web-site hosting service for independent campus stores at five schools for several months and announced a widespread rollout of the program set for spring.
The company also must establish and maintain a comprehensive information security program, which will be assessed by an independent auditor every other year for 10 years.
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Products entered in this prestigious program are judged by a preeminent panel of independent industrial designers, engineers and members of the media to honor outstanding design and engineering in cutting edge consumer electronics products across 29 product categories.
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The IRS has extended its Voluntary Classification Settlement Program, whereby taxpayers who believe they have erroneously classified workers as independent contractors instead of employees may file an application with the IRS. This allows them to have federal payroll tax exposure drastically reduced (by as much as 90 percent for some) for the years in which workers should have been treated as employees.
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The NAIOSW is part of The Institute of Swiss Watchmaking, founded in 2008 in partnership with Watchmakers of Switzerland Training and Educational Program, an independent institution based in Switzerland.
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