In 1964, the Nyasaland Protectorate became the independent state of Malawi.
Again and again, both sides point to Sikkim, where Hindu-Nepalese migrants eventually outnumbered the Buddhist natives and then voted the independent state out of existence.
It provides the public and patients with a thorough and independent assessment of the state of Scotland's hospital wards and public areas.
As the third and independent authority of the State, the Egyptian Judiciary is comprised of secular and religious courts, administrative, non-administrative courts and a Supreme Constitutional Court, and penal courts, civil and commercial courts, personal status and family courts, national security courts, labour courts, military courts, as well as other specialized courts or circuits.
The Flemings harbour a special grievance about the city, for it was once predominantly Flemish, and some Flemings still hope it may yet be the capital of an independent state of Flanders.
ECONOMIST: Rows over who should speak in which tongue have got worse
The Holy See is the supreme government of the Roman Catholic Church, which operates from the independent territory of the Vatican City State in Rome.
On the other hand, were he to follow through on this and help advance peace through the establishment of an independent Palestinian state that agreed to the secure existence of Israel, he would also be doing much to live up to the promise of his other earlier addresses.
Although Pope Benedict has criticised many aspects of modern pop culture, he now allows the newspaper of the tiny independent Vatican state to reflect the reality of the world outside in a way that would have been unthinkable in the days of Pope Paul VI who reigned during heyday of The Beatles.
"We have been vindicated in that both the planning inspector who carried out the independent appeal and the Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government agreed with what we have said all the way along, which was in total agreement with the council's own experts, " he said.
This is a significant date as it recalls an uprising of enslaved Africans on the island of Saint Domingue in 1791, resulting in the establishment of the Republic of Haiti, the first black independent state in the Western World.
From 1995 to 1998, he served as Special Advisor to the President and Secretary of State on Assistance to the New Independent States of the Former Soviet Union.
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No one has ever disputed the importance of an independent judiciary for the proper functioning of the state.
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The key issue, therefore, relates to an independent Scotland's membership of the EU. As outlined, an independent Scottish state could not automatically become a new member of the EU upon independence because there is no explicit provision for this process in the EU's own membership rules.
The Egyptian Foreign Minister Nabil al-Araby has urged the United States to support the declaration of an independent Palestinian state.
They base their claim on the fact that the state was formerly an independent princely state, is geographically larger than at least 68 countries of the United Nations, and more populous than 90.
Under the plans, there will be at least 10 brand new schools across the five boroughs, seven of which will be academies - independent schools funded by the state that use new ways of teaching and the latest equipment to try to raise standards.
In late 1998, 54 of them, most in their late 20s and 30s, responded to an independent survey on the state of the arts in China.
CNN: ASIANOW - TIME Asia | Young China | Flashback: It's Not All About Money
He noted that Penn State has an independent board of trustees and is not an arm of the state the way other schools are.
However, his comments prompted a complaint that MSPs were not allowed to debate the issue of a head of state in an independent Scotland.
This is the practice of the SBE and local election boards for independent candidates (the state or locality checks those petitions in the absence of a party).
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The World Economic Forum is an independent international organisation committed to improving the state of the world by engaging leaders in partnerships to shape global, regional and industry agendas.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | London 'to lead climate research'
On behalf of the American people, I congratulate the people of Guinea as they witness the inauguration of their first democratically elected President since becoming an independent state in 1958.
The former Secretary of State for Health Jeremy Hunt asked the independent reconfiguration panel (IRP) to look at how the recommendations were reached.
In 1981, the islands of Antigua and Barbuda became a single independent state, ending 30 years of British rule.
But the problem stems from the poor state of Kazakhstan's agriculture, which has declined since the country became independent on the break-up of the Soviet Union.
Obama sought souls that would understand him and take in the simple message: You are strong enough to make peace with the Palestinians, grant them an independent state, and in this way you will not lose the Jewish, democratic identity of your state.
Prior to my present position, I was Director of the New Mexico State University Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center, the independent and academic monitoring facility for the Department of Energy WIPP, a little-known deep geologic nuclear repository for bomb waste.
Prior to my present position, I was Director of the New Mexico State University Carlsbad Environmental Monitoring and Research Center, the independent and academic monitoring facility for the Department of Energy's WIPP site, a little-known deep geologic nuclear repository for bomb waste.
Lord Justice Leveson envisages a system that is independent of both the state and the press.
And the Netherlands, where 70% of children attend independent state-funded schools, comes well above average in the OECD's ranking.