Matthew McConaughey plays Danny Buck Davidson, the indignant and boastful prosecutor who went after Bernie in court.
The indignant man loomed over Hadley, his angular face hardened with strain.
But to hear the indignant reaction of those in the Penn State family and in the media, you would think that the NCAA was shutting down the entire university.
But referee Andy D'Urso waved away the appeals of the indignant Watford players, including Henri Lansbury, whose shot struck the arm of the former England international on the goal line.
If the indignant depictions of the class system in so many Titanic dramas coexist uneasily with their adoring depictions of upper-crust privilege, that, too, is part of the appeal: it allows us to demonstrate our liberalism even as we indulge our consumerism.
So as the media's eyes are glued on the Greek strikers and indignant ones, it's worth keeping your eyes on the not-so-indignant ones: the depositors, the suppliers of liquidity, the watch shops at the airport and, of course, the cameramen.
However, it is simply impossible to rationally sympathize with the many indignant progressives who are decrying the decision of the DC Court of Appeals when the court has done nothing more than uphold the very tactic that Harry Reid used so effectively to stymie the Bush folks.
FORBES: It's Time To Stop Pretending That Republicans Have Cornered The Market On Dirty Politics
Europeans' calls for a fair trial only make Turks all the more indignant.
Letters poured in by the thousand and almost all were indignant at the treatment of Mr Radulovich.
Senior professionals in private industry were less surprised by the size of the salaries, but were nonetheless indignant about the severance payments which, they said, contravened traditional practice in the public sector.
And yet, to the disgust of the commission and a handful of indignant small countries, the French and the Germans have persuaded their fellows to let them off the hook.
They feel betrayed and above all indignant over the shadow that has been cast over the history of the co-operative movement.
Some Africans, indignant at the way western critics denounce the tradition as barbaric and primitive, defend it in the name of cultural tradition.
ECONOMIST: Banning the practice may not be the best way of ending it
Some were downright indignant over the Bush administration's claim that a new federal law bars the high court from ruling in the Hamdan case.
So the first reaction was indignant and how could this happen?
While understandably you are indignant about the underhanded methods used by this discredited agency, are you ever going to write about an effective and good way of fighting Anonymous?
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Mr Clarke's supporters are especially indignant at the thought that their man, the one most ordinary party members are thought to want, might not make it to the final ballot.
It may have been unauthorised and unsolicited - the creative homework of a junior official - but its indignant tone catches something of the frustrations of a continent weary of expressing gratitude, and increasingly determined to meet the outside world as partners rather than supplicants.
If you chose to delegate policy making to the politicians, stop your indignant rants and start repurposing that energy into something productive for both you and society.
Mr. JOSE PERTIERRA (Immigration Rights Lawyer): Venezuela is indignant not over the dismissal of the indictment by the judge, but by the way that this government has handled the entire matter of Posada Carriles.
There then followed an agonising wait as the soldiers, increasingly restive and indignant, demanded to be let out.
Oddly enough, the Turkish authorities seem far more indignant about his minor travails than they are about Mr Turkyilmaz.
When O'Gara's story about her quest appeared in Linux Business News, an online magazine, indignant bloggers went on the attack.
Ms Ventrillon is indignant that knitters in the Shetland archipelago, 25 miles (40 km) away, pass off their jumpers as Fair Isle jerseys.
There was utter consternation, not just amongst the workforce, but from local MPs, civic leaders, media and indeed an indignant population which had been rightly proud of the river's shipbuilding heritage.
The duke's lawyer, Mario Pascual Vives, said his client was "worried, saddened and rather indignant at what is coming out in the media".
The European Union and the U.S. are waxing indignant over Austria's decision to include an extreme right-wing party in a coalition government.
Like its male equivalent, the Americans dominated the event's early years, prompting calls for the competition to be changed to a US v the rest of the world affair, only for an indignant Europe to hit back in recent contests.