Moving to last week, economically depressed and unionized Michigan adopted a right-to-work law that will give the individual the freedom to not pay dues and not join a union in a unionized workplace.
The emphasis on individual freedom and civil rights helps humanize the issue.
Thomas Kirby, a lawyer with Wiley Rein who represented the Center for Individual Freedom -- which alongside another conservative group the Hispanic Leadership Fund had appealed Van Hollen's victory in district court, welcomed the ruling.
MSN: U.S. court says tax-exempt groups can keep donors secret
Why are we, who are uniquely privileged to have inherited the legacy of individual freedom, so eager to trade it away in search of the illusion of security?
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We believe in the basket of individual freedoms includes the freedom to access the Internet and the freedom to use social networking sites.
Einstein once observed that Westerners have a feeling the individual loses his freedom if he joins, say, a union or any group.
Portman embodies the formula for GOP modernization: a conservatism that unapologetically applies the principle of individual freedom consistently to both fiscal and social policy.
The Center for Individual Freedom is pursuing a similar ruling in Illinois, hoping to overturn a state law requiring advocacy groups to disclose donors.
MSN: U.S. court says tax-exempt groups can keep donors secret
The irony is that Obama arrives at the threshold of the White House steeped in ideas that subordinate individual freedom to the collective.
It would be unfortunate because it would take from one body the power to limit individual freedom, only to pass it on to state electorates so that they can do the same.
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They make the really big point that it supports individual liberties: the freedom of people to make their own choices, rather than having them determined by national governments, or circumscribed by the place in which they happen to live.
In 1900, the official Tax Freedom Day (the day individual citizens have worked long enough to pay their share of the taxes) was January 22.
The law also exempts records of individual handgun owners from the state Freedom of Information Law.
That view of the relation between the state and the individual was what made the American experiment with freedom so unique.
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You work together as a team, but at the same time have the freedom to excel as an individual within that team.
The farmers' system and philosophy, he insists, have condemned them to go forth and multiply, peopling the earth and expanding their domain to the detriment of hunter-gatherers, whose philosophy, based on respect for nature and for the equality and freedom of each individual, including children, was no match for the rapacity, technology and productivity of the newcomers.
Many voters -- especially members of the millennial generation -- consider these positions at odds with libertarians' professed belief in maximizing individual freedom, but the contradiction and resulting voter alienation is entirely sidestepped.
If Mr Friedman is right that the growth of American law can best be explained as a product of the expansion of free markets, prosperity and individual freedom, then other countries are heading in the same direction.
"The freedom to pursue one's own sexuality is part of an individual's freedom of expression, " said Justice Carlos Ayres Britto, the author of the ruling.
The freedom of an individual to work, Romney said, is at the core of his foreign aid plan.
There are many conservative arguments for reform: chiefly, it's about individual freedom and the strengthening of relationships and the family.
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Mikhail Bakunin, for example, who believed that without inner freedom for the individual, society can be neither free nor fair.
It is to maintain and wherever possible enhance the freedom of the individual to acquire property and dispose of that property in ways that he decides on.
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Such laws vary from place to place, but all countries, even the United States with its famous first amendment to the constitution, accept that individual freedom must be limited in some respects at least.
The case is Center for Individual Freedom v.
MSN: U.S. court says tax-exempt groups can keep donors secret
Cars appeal powerfully to one of the most important conservative values: individual freedom.
It is crazy that Texas, which prides itself on individual freedom, has the most restrictive laws in the country protecting the big auto dealer groups from competition.
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If you view the pressure of social norms as a way to restrict individual freedom, then this can easily be seen as progressive or conservative, depending on the behavior being restricted.
That would be the straightforward love and defense of individual liberty, with its attendant freedom to take risks, and responsibility for the results.
The 1960s saw a huge breakthrough in terms of freedom of expression, of lifestyle, of the individual's right to live their own personal life in the way they choose.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Politics | Full text: Blair on law and order