The group advocating for ending the one-child policy thought the change "would be a simple matter, " said Gu Baochang, a professor of demography at Renmin University in Beijing, former adviser to the Family Planning Commission and informal leader of the advocacy group.
The attack was claimed by a mysterious group, the Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI), which had previously confined itself to dispatching parcel bombs.
The restructuring, done under the auspices of the Paris Club, an informal group of western creditor countries, came earlier than expected and just in time for the first round of Iraqi elections expected in January.
The eBay Green Team is an informal group that has worked on everything from eliminating Styrofoam cups in the cafeteria (a project my own team of environmentally active students is trying to accomplish at Yale SOM) to pushing for green buildings.
The White House has a weekly conference call with an informal group of Catholic advisers, and the Republican National Committee has revived a Catholic task-force.
She now leads the group in an informal Torah study during their monthly meetings.
The Coalition to Preserve American Sovereignty - an informal group of past and present national security practitioners and others committed to safeguarding the U.S. Constitution and the sovereign exceptionalism it makes possible - believes that the concerns about the Law of the Sea Treaty expressed by Sen.
Meanwhile, remittances from abroad, self-employment, tourism, foreign investment and the informal economy have lifted the incomes of a large group of Cubans.
In informal overnight discussions, ministers from the powerful BASIC group - Brazil, South Africa, India and China - held the line that talks should not begin before 2015, and should only take effect when current pledges on reducing emissions expire in 2020, sources said.
He heads an informal group of ten rich regions which lobbies the federal government.
An informal census by the Times Square Alliance, a business group, counted 52 costumed characters clustered in the plaza on Saturday evening.
Late last year America quietly started informal meetings with a group made up of the G7 club of rich economies plus Australia, South Korea, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates (UAE).
The administration should create an informal, bipartisan White House Working Group on Venezuela, comprised of independent policy experts, NGOs, political strategists, public affairs practitioners, intelligence officers, diplomats and others to meet weekly to discuss Venezuela-related issues and how best to address them.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 7-Eleven cuts off Chavez; it's about time
The General Assembly has taken the responsible step of setting up an Open-Ended Informal Working Group on Marine Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction.
An informal group of Red Robin co-workers had gone to see the Batman film Thursday night, he said.
Meetarbhan, Co-chair of UN Informal Process on Oceans (Mauritius) and Ms L. Inniss, Co-coordinator of the UN Group of Experts on the Regular Process for Reporting and Assessing the State of the Marine Environment.