The Internet Archive has a competing project, which aims to offer a free digital library.
On the Internet, a nonprofit organisation called the Internet Archive does the same thing, aiming to store regular snapshots of the Web for future generations.
Earlier this month, the company also worked with the Internet Archive to make 1.5 million pieces of music, film and other media available through the BitTorrent ecosystem.
He was an Assistant Professor of Computer Science at the Baskin School of Engineering at UC Santa Cruz, and has collaborated with the Internet Archive.
He led the development of the Open Library, a project of the Internet Archive that seeks to gather information about every book ever published in one place.
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Once something has been said electronically, it becomes very hard to unsay it, a fact that political bloggers know well (they are fond of using the Internet Archive and Google's cache to catch surreptitious changes made to websites by embarrassed officials).
To add another layer of complexity, many tweets contain shortened URLs, and the Library of Congress is in discussions with many of these providers as well as with the Internet Archive and its 301works project to help resolve and map the links.
FORBES: The Library of Congress' Twitter Archive, One Year Later
In April this year the Open Access Trust and the Internet Archive applied to the US courts to join the settlement but this application was rejected by Judge Denny Chin and only Google is included in the agreement with the Author's Guild and the American Association of Publishers.
"Many of us are objecting because we have been working together for years on the mass scanning of out-of-print books - and have worked to get books online for far longer than Google - and Google's 'settlement' could hurt our efforts, " wrote Brewster Khale of the Internet Archive in a blog post earlier this week.
While Google want to archive the Internet, Facebook want to archive our lives.
Kahle, the founder of the non-profit Internet Archive, visited Reykjavik last week and met with government officials pushing for the Icelandic Modern Media Initiative, a proposed series of bills that would make Iceland an international legal haven for information transparency and journalistic source protection.
FORBES: Iceland's Data Haven Plan Finds An American Friend: Internet Archive's Brewster Kahle
Internet-casting also upends the significance of the archive.
Efforts by Google to build an online archive have run into legal problems over the Internet search engine's proposed use of copyrighted materials.