The jammed parking lot ranges from pickup trucks to yellow sports cars.
The pilot jammed the nose forward to drive it into the dirt and prevent his aircraft from rolling onto its side.
Without those rookie sessions, Manning doesn't scan the field, see a Cover-2 defense, recognize that the Patriots jammed his top two receivers on the right, look off New England's safeties, slide up in the pocket and thread the ball 38 yards into the teeniest of windows for Mario Manningham for the game's biggest play.
Other times the nozzle plugged up, the wafer loader jammed or the platform on which the prototype was formed slammed into the extruder.
By then, fear had spread through the 3, 200 people who worked in the five clothing factories that jammed the upper floors of Rana Plaza, and the handful of shops on the lower ones.
He contentedly played bandleader instead of superstar, often disappearing backstage for stretches as the band jammed.
Waking in the morning, she looked down at the driveway jammed with cars.
The Army is trying to control foot traffic better than in year past, but local television shows the bridge jammed with people.
Half of the caravan was left jammed in the height barrier at the site's entrance, near Ashton Keynes, and the other half inside the car park.
As we drove through the Holland Tunnel and began to distance ourselves from the city, I jammed in the first of the compiled rap tapes I'd made, and the boombox sounded superb.
"There's a commonly held perception that because there's such a large event, the roads will be jammed, the town will be filled and it will be a place to stay away from, " Mr Clements says.
The Phoenix airport was jammed, and the security lines were a mile long.
But because the portals may be jammed, because the phones may be busy, is not an excuse for Americans not to continue to help their neighbors.
After digging into the sand between the crossties, it jammed between two of the spokes, went blue from the heat and tension at the point of flexion, and brought the car to a stop.
The small hotels off the Piazza San Marco rented for five bucks a day, the rooms so hot in August that you stayed up half the night singing and drinking in the Piazza, jammed with college students shouldering rucksacks, decades before wheeled baggage made the scene.
Historians are bleakly recalling the jubilee disaster of 1450, when crowds surging to and from St Peter's jammed the Castel St Angelo bridge, causing the parapets to collapse whereupon 200 pilgrims fell into the river and drowned.
Indeed, the road to the Taj Mahal is jammed with tourists from around the world.
The spectacle draws crowds of onlookers - the narrow roads are jammed as people vie for the best view.
BBC: NEWS | UK | Northern Ireland | Frustrations of hunter and hunted
Well, that's not exactly true: You heard the Baltimore Ravens fans, purple and loud and jammed into the lobby of the Hilton Riverside, three deep at the bar at Drago's Seafood Restaurant Saturday night around 7.
"After we called a technician to look into the problem, we found that hundreds of checks had been jammed into the floppy drive opening, " he said.
They have jammed the firm's switchboard and posted 82, 000 largely hostile comments on its Facebook page.
Next, the antenna-deployment motors were switched on and off thousands of times, but the antenna remained jammed.
The going for a fissile-material cut-off treaty at the log-jammed Conference on Disarmament could be harder still.
Aetna has plenty of company: The courts are jammed with cases of financial services firms suing each other over defections.
Women from all over America have jammed the coffee house's phone lines begging for the six-ounce bottles of blue.
And as a result the cell phone circuits and the roads were jammed.
And yes, the tiny pool was jammed right next to a small cafe that served as the breakfast nook.
The room is jammed with their possessions: plastic bags filled with clothes, an electric fan, Amy's stuffed animals, cooking utensils.