When he joined the Army initially, Cotton turned down its suggestion he join as an attorney with the Judge Advocate General.
The identity of five Royal Marines charged with murder after an incident in Afghanistan will not be disclosed, the judge advocate general has decided.
An anonymity order, granted last year to protect the identities of the five accused by the judge advocate general Cmdr Jeff Blackett, will remain "in full force in respect of all five" marines until further instruction.
This allows counsel to get "actively involved in cases at the earliest stages, defense counsel have successfully negotiated non-punitive dispositions of cases that otherwise may have been disposed of at courts-martial, " according to the Report of the Judge Advocate General for Fiscal Year 2005.
Speaking at the appeal court, solicitor advocate Ann Ogg said the judge had been wrong to reject an attempt by Mr Mutebi's defence team to get the case thrown out for lack of evidence.
Walter Huffman, the Dean of Texas Tech School of Law and a former Army judge advocate general, says the wheels of military justice move slow, but they do grind on.
" The appeal accused the judge of taking on the roles of "witness and advocate.
Outlining the arguments orally, Mr Clegg said the "improper pressure" came when Mr Winter told Sgt Nightingale what the original trial judge - Assistant Judge Advocate General Alistair McGrigor - "was saying".
Major General MICHAEL NARDOTTI JR. (Former Judge Advocate General): The president, as the commander-in-chief, can enter into an agreement.
Wright , the ombudsman for the ROA, who also works as a judge advocate officer.
Gary Solis is a Marine Corps historian, a retired Marine Corps Lieutenant Colonel, and he spent 18 years as Judge Advocate and a judge for the military.
Despite the enormity of the scandal, the Bush administration was slow to react, and did not hold senior officers accountable, says John Hutson, dean of the Franklin Pierce Law Center and a former Navy judge advocate general.
Judge Advocate Jeff Blackett said there was no abuse of process relating to the content of emails apparently leaked by a Ministry of Defence source, which were referred to for the first time at the hearing.
Also present were Mr Dewar's official spokesman David Whitton, the Trade Minister Helen Liddell, Labour MP Tam Dalyell and High Court judge and former Lord Advocate Lord Hardie.