The Judiciary Committee is set to hold another hearing on the bill on Monday.
CNN: Boston terror fears raised at Senate immigration hearing
It was never discussed by the members of the Judiciary Committee during the impeachment inquiry.
I've sat on the Judiciary Committee and worked there, trying to get good ones.
CNN: Thompson's October 19, 2007, speech to Value Voters Summit
Specter serves as the temporary chair of the Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts.
CNN: Sen. Hatch may subpoena Justice Department documents on Elian Gonzalez raid
After consideration by the Judiciary Committee, floor action could start in the Senate in May, Schumer said.
Thank heavens Jeff Sessions will play a leading role in the Judiciary Committee's scrutiny of Elena Kagan.
Patrick Leahy, the new chairman of the judiciary committee, has also said the US must "renounce" the practice.
BBC: The CIA is believed to have flown at least 1,200 flights
David, what kind of immigration bill did the Judiciary Committee end up approving?
The Judiciary Committee should consider how this accord will further the practice of subordinating domestic law to international jurisprudence.
And I very much thank particularly the Ranking Member and the Chairman of the Judiciary Committee for running a smooth process.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama at a Bipartisan Meeting on the Supreme Court | The White House
Soufan was hidden behind a protective screen during his testimony before the Judiciary Committee's Subcommittee on Administrative Oversight and the Courts.
CNN: 'Enhanced interrogations' don't work, ex-FBI agent tells panel
According to those experienced prosecutors who testified before the Judiciary Committee, there are two more points to be made about this.
Well, again, I'll let the majority counsel for the Judiciary Committee tell you in his own words during his closing argument.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Let's look now at how the majority counsel for the committee put it in his closing argument to the Judiciary Committee.
CNN: Transcript: White House Counsel Ruff's opening statement
Senate Democratic leaders want a gun-control bill to emerge from the Judiciary Committee that could be amended on the Senate floor.
For example, the international affairs panel assesses the candidate for secretary of state, and the Judiciary Committee reviews potential judges.
Patrick Leahy (D-VT) was next in line but he declined the nod in order to remain as chair of the Judiciary Committee.
Senator John Cornyn, Republican of Texas, who is a member of the Judiciary Committee, has put a statement on Judge Sotomayor's nomination.
And this charge was in fact discussed and debated by the members of the Judiciary Committee when they conducted their impeachment inquiry.
And then on Thursday, that same committee, the Judiciary Committee, will meet.
John Thune, R-South Dakota, announced he would vote against Sotomayor, who completed three days of testimony last week before the Judiciary Committee.
The Judiciary Committee also seems set to approve a guest worker program.
Significantly, the present Republican chairman of the Judiciary Committee, Henry Hyde, has repeatedly hailed Mr Rodino and his committee as role models.
ECONOMIST: Congress may want to drop impeachment, but it can��t
Hollis French, the chairman of the Judiciary Committee, to manage the investigation.
CNN: Palin faces questions this month in ethics inquiry, says lawmaker
Four moderate members of the Judiciary Committee--Democrats William Delahunt and Howard Berman, and Republicans Asa Hutchinson and Lindsey Graham--are holding quiet meetings.
Schumer sits on the Judiciary Committee, while Coburn is a former member.
CNN: Obama still backs new gun ban; top senator less certain
The Judiciary Committee has not announced when the confirmation hearings will begin.
CNN: Hatch: Sotomayor 'highly likely' to be confirmed, barring surprises
But the full House directed the Judiciary Committee to go through the supporting materials, including the videotape, to see what else to make public.
Patrick Leahy, the Vermont Democrat who chairs the Judiciary Committee, said he is only pursuing subpoenas because the administration has been unwilling to cooperate.
Jeff Sessions, R-Alabama, and the top Republican on the Judiciary Committee, said he did not think Republicans would block the nomination with a filibuster.
CNN: Hatch: Sotomayor 'highly likely' to be confirmed, barring surprises