The plan is to follow this team-up film with solo franchises spun off from the Justice League story.
"For me, I wanted to get into the Cyborg character, who will be part of the Justice League, " Berganza said.
Among these titles are old school mainstays like Action Comics, Detective Comics, Batman and Robin, Superman, and the Justice League.
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On one hand, we see members of the Justice League desperately pummeling the gallery of Rogues, in effort to find the location of Mirror Master.
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This panel, in the sea of humor and one-liners, is a brief but revealing look at how the world of the Justice League is already beginning to crack.
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Since the moment Superman first flew to Bialya, every move and action from all of the Justice League has felt like that of a train whose brakes have gone out.
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"I was the biggest Jim Lee fan in the '90s, and then after seeing what he did to the Wonder Woman costume, I'm a little hesitant to see what he's done with the rest of the Justice League and the rest of the DC Universe, " Whitehead said.
And this would give them a chance to have a Batman film prior to the Justice League movie, in order to give Clark Kent a cameo to link the two worlds and introduce the more fantastical elements into the Nolanverse before throwing Batman right into the middle of flying aliens and monsters and magic.
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Young Justice and Green Lantern may have been unfortunately cancelled after two years in favor of a new animated Batman cartoon (Beware the Batman) and another Teen Titans show, but the former show successfully used the Justice League as introductory characters for a series that eventually focused on younger super heroes that many in the audience had never heard of before.
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In addition to the announcement Tuesday that the comic book "Justice League" would be starting again at issue No. 1 in September, DC officials told CNN the publisher would also be renumbering and modernizing such titles as Wonder Woman, Aquaman, The Flash, The Fury of Firestorm, The Savage Hawkman, Green Arrow, Justice League International, Mister Terrific, Captain Atom and DC Universe Presents.
In that plan, I explained why I think fast-tracking Justice League is a mistake that will cost the project important marketing positions and anticipation, and will put the success of all other solo franchises at the mercy of Justice League, leaving little room for mistakes.
FORBES: Batman To Be Rebooted In Justice League Film, Report Says
The rest of Justice League make an appearance which lends to a nice humorous moment between the Flash and Batman.
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Now that a court case has ensured that DC Comics superhero Superman will keep flying at Warner Bros. in the foreseeable future, the studio is readying their plans to move forward with the oft-mentioned Justice League film project and release the movie in 2015, according to sources who spoke to the L.A. Times.
So, obviously I disagreed a lot with the idea of doing Justice League first, and I think there are big risks to the plan as well as big risks to the solo franchises.
The real shocker this week is that classic animated movie, Justice League: The New Frontier hit number five its first week out.
ENGADGET: Nielsen VideoScan High-Def market share for week ending March 2nd, 2008
In Poland, a traditionalist and ruralist party, Samoobrona (Selfdefence), came third, nabbing seven seats. (Two other right-wing parties, the crime-bashing Law and Justice and the Catholic-nationalist League of Polish Families, also did well.) Two parties in Austria and the Netherlands, though not strictly Eurosceptic, campaigned successfully against corruption and mismanagement in Brussels.
The list of 17 task force members includes a sheriff, a former Florida Supreme Court justice and a leader of the League of United Latin American Citizens.
That decline is partly explained by the glut of foreign players that have joined the Premier League in the years since the European Court of Justice passed the so-called Bosman ruling in 1996, which established the right of players to free agency at the end of their contracts and abolished quotas on the number of non-nationals each club could sign or field.
Plexico had a few ideas for the next big superhero on the screen, even if "Justice League of America" doesn't pan out.
Martinez had warned before the match that Portsmouth's lowly league position did not do justice to some of the attractive football they have been playing of late.
The Justice Committee (at 9.30am) continues its look at the treatment of women by the criminal justice system, with evidence from pressure groups the Prison Reform Trust and the Howard League for Penal Reform.
Do you think this is more likely what Warner Bros. would do, or at least something similar to this, rather than just continue a Batman series and launch a Justice League franchise without Bruce Wayne under the cowl?
FORBES: What Warner Would Probably Do If They Continued Nolan's Batman
The prime minister, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, the leader of the conservative Law and Justice (PiS) party removed all ministers belonging to Self-Defence and the Catholic-nationalist League of Polish Families (LPR), replacing them with PiS loyalists and non-party experts.
In the early pages, it almost felt like the type of narration Batman would be giving to a fellow Justice League member.
Although the legislation arouses little enthusiasm in the country, it is the price that Berlusconi has to pay to keep the League in his coalition and so retain a parliamentary majority for his magistrate-hobbling justice bill.
Last week, I penned a long op-ed offering an alternate plan that first establishes key solo franchises to help generate far more buzz and anticipation for a Justice League movie, as well as helping to give audience a far more thorough introduction to the characters and help make the superheroes more relatable to mainstream non-comics-reading viewers.
FORBES: Batman To Be Rebooted In Justice League Film, Report Says
Correspondents say the justice's comments on Monday were not clear, other than that he seemed to be joking about Ivy League law school graduates.
During the last 69 years, she has fought a range of villains and also appeared in other comic series such as Justice League.