The hours of killing time before riding over to the hall, the putrid vending-machine meals on the run, the way-too-early-in-the-morning vans to the airport -- the dreary parts all become more than worth it when, for an hour or so, the singers can once again personally deliver a bit of happiness to the audiences who still adore their music.
He previously told the court he was at his home in North Road at the time of the killing, and records show his mobile phone was on that street at the relevant time.
The defence lawyer for Avie Howell said there was no proof his client was anywhere near the hotel around the time of the killing.
McConville's barrister told the court that the prosecution case was entirely based on circumstantial evidence, primarily from a man identified only as witness M who claimed he saw his client in the area at the time of the killing.
President Bush today spoke publicly for the first time on the alleged killing of civilians by U.S. Marines in Haditha, Iraq.
She had a glass-top table and a white leather sofa and we hung in the doorway and leaned against the walls, killing time while waiting for her.
But it was Ulster who finished the stronger in dying embers of the game time by killing off a great Edinburgh fightback with Humphreys rifling over another penalty with the last kick of the game.
But the structure seems sound, and it isn't giving anything away to disclose what viewers almost immediately learn via flashback: That Nick was an ex-cop serving 25-years at Sing Sing, where he fought with other inmates and revealed to the prison psychiatrist that, yes, he thinks about killing himself all the time.
Perhaps you profess to read tabloids only in the supermarket line just killing time.
This is not the first time that a mercy killing demand has gone to the courts.
"She made a killing at the time with all these contracts, " he laughs.
He said this disorder meant Farrow was suffering from an abnormality of mental function at the time of killing Mr Suddards.
Lewis and Planter had an on-again, off-again relationship at the time of the killing, the prosecutor said.
Her supporters say she was only 17 at the time of the killing.
At the time of the killing, Blake was suffering from delusions and hallucinations and was later diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia.
Sigg, who lived about one mile from Ridgeway family, was 17 at the time of the killing and was charged as an adult.
But Esack's barrister told the court a psychiatrist believed Esack was suffering from two psychiatric disorders which made him "a severely disordered individual" at the time of the killing.
At the time of his killing, the Mexican army, navy, and federal and state police were patrolling the area to beef up security for the Mexican Open professional tennis tournament.
The biggest break came in 2004, when TV writer Alan Ball, the creator of the HBO show "Six Feet Under, " discovered the books when he was killing time at a bookstore before a dentist appointment.
He declined to give evidence at his trial - a decision on which judge Charles Byers told the jury it could draw an adverse inference - but his defence counsel, Oliver Saxby, said his client suffered from two psychiatric conditions which meant he had been "a severely disordered individual at the time of the killing".
BBC: Natalie Esack - wife who paid ultimate price for loyalty
In Bosnia the UK declined to create what the foreign secretary at the time called a, "level killing field", and in Libya it also decided not to send weapons even though RAF aircraft were bombing government forces and British Special Forces were (eventually) put on the ground.
S. Naipaul, sought to compensate for his father's failure while at the same time using his talent as a way of killing the father off, showing his mother who was the real man in the household.
On the other hand acquiring this protein too slowly would give the immune system time to launch a response before the virus can escape - killing the virus and preventing infection, they said.
But the illegal killing of elephants is still there, and 2002 is no time to increase the rewards for poaching.
Arias faces a potential death sentence if convicted of first-degree murder in the June 2008 killing of her one-time boyfriend in his suburban Phoenix home.
AMC's Mr. McKean says the video vignettes for "The Killing" will be shown during down time like commercials or credits, and users will have to choose to play them.
Some of us loved killing an hour of the company's time and others felt guilty for it afterward.
Its first song, "Killing Time, " was on the soundtrack for Men in Black.
Curry took a pain-killing injection before the game for the first time in his career, though he looked slow early and even covered his head in a towel on the bench late in the first quarter.
It was sent to America's military high command in May, during a time when relations were febrile following the killing in Pakistan by American special forces of Osama bin Laden.
ECONOMIST: Pakistan is forced to find a new ambassador to Washington