This is the crown that survives, and according to the Dutch monarchy's website, it represents "the sovereignty of the Kingdom of the Netherlands and the dignity of the head of state".
The Netherlands (or the Kingdom of The Netherlands, as the announcer on TV just reminded me) and the Dominican Republic.
These two Caribbean territories were part of the Netherlands Antilles until October 2010, when they became autonomous countries within the Kingdom of the Netherlands.
The tradition of not crowning the monarch dates from 1815, when Willem I became the monarch of the newly created Kingdom of the Netherlands, says Han van Bree, a historian who specialises in the Dutch royal family.
In 2010, the island became an autonomous country within the Kingdom of the Netherlands, gaining more control over its tax revenues and governance.
The event is being hosted by the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands, in collaboration with Cycling Scotland, Royal HaskoningDHV, Cycle Nation, Sustrans and the Dutch Cycling Embassy.
Curacao is a former Dutch colony and now forms an independent country within the kingdom of the Netherlands, but it still relies on the Netherlands for defence and foreign policy.
Education is considered an internal matter of the countries that comprise the Dutch Kingdom and as such is not regulated in the Statute of the Realm of the Netherlands, (constitution of the Dutch Kingdom).
Interestingly, the finance ministers of several important U.S. allies (notably the United Kingdom and the Netherlands) object to such a transfer of risk to governments and taxpayers (including through the IMF and World Bank) that is a feature of the Brady Debt Reduction Plan for developing countries.
German customers will be the first to experience the power of Optimus 4X HD, followed by the Netherlands, Sweden, United Kingdom and Italy.
ENGADGET: LG's Optimus 4X HD officially making its way to European locales June 11 (update)
In 1954 they decided their kingdom should consist of three formally equal partners: the metropolitan Netherlands, the Netherlands Antilles and Suriname.
Two-thirds of social science journals in the world are published in the United States, the United Kingdom, the Netherlands and Germany.
He says he is in talks with more than a dozen nations and has "memorandums of understanding" from countries including Japan, the Netherlands, Singapore, Sweden, Australia and the United Kingdom.