• Here again, as with Iran and Russia, the Kissinger position is closer to Barack Obama's than to John McCain's.


  • The Wikileaks claims are based on the Kissinger Cables, the latest tranche of US diplomatic cables obtained by the whistle-blower, reports The Hindu newspaper, Wikileaks' partner for India and Pakistan cables.

    BBC: Rajiv Gandhi

  • So Tricky Dicky taunts Kissinger with the spectre of Ford giving his job to Al Haig should Nixon fail to survive, while Kissinger dangles the judgement of history in front of a master desperate to be remembered as a great statesman.

    BBC: Nixon's final hours

  • "Tom seemed to understand all of this, but he and Jay continued to invoke the specter of the Henry Kissinger experience vis-a-vis Hillary Clinton, " Wester said, referring to a controversy surrounding former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's decision to hold on to his official records.

    CNN: Pfeiffer: Clinton emails no threat to her viability

  • Today, the octogenarian Johnny Kissinger is evidently not content with his reckless legitimation of the denuclearization of the United States.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: The Denuclearizers' Bridge-jump

  • Stephen Flanagan, the Henry A. Kissinger chair in diplomacy and national security at the Center for Strategic and International Studies, underscored the sense of uncertainty.

    CNN: Early foreign policy tests await France's Hollande

  • Economic sovereignty would pass completely to the capital markets and individual nation states would become yet more powerless before the forces of globalisation, de facto colonies of what Henry Kissinger calls the 'American empire'.

    BBC: Referendum St

  • By both upbringing and philosophy, she is a committed Republican realist in the tradition of Kissinger, Scowcroft and Colin Powell.

    CNN: Condi Rice can't lose

  • If even the venerable Mr Kissinger can be caught out, what hope for American statesmen far less familiar with China?

    ECONOMIST: America and China

  • During the 1970s, Kissinger was understandably guarded about his activities.

    BBC: Why Julian Assange would target Henry Kissinger

  • Once he leaves the government, Powell is on his way to being the next Henry Kissinger, a former secretary of state widely regarded as a wise man on world affairs.

    NPR: Bush's Black Legacy

  • In the film, Shultz, Perry, Kissinger and Nunn share the personal experiences that led them to write three Wall Street Journal opinion editorials describing their efforts to reduce reliance on nuclear weapons, and to prevent their spread into potentially dangerous hands, and ultimately end them as a threat to the world.

    WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefings

  • Regarding the South China Sea issue, Kissinger said that freedom of navigation in the area, in which the US has claimed national interests, is a separate issue apart from the territorial disputes between countries in the region.

    FORBES: Kissinger: US-China Not Competing for World Domination

  • In 1973, Wolfowitz, who had been teaching at Yale, joined the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, where he was among a group of hawks who reacted skeptically to the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks agreement, which Henry Kissinger had negotiated with the Soviet Union.

    NEWYORKER: The Next Crusade

  • On the wider front, Barack Obama endorsed the call last year by four senior former US diplomats (including Henry Kissinger) for the US to aim for a nuclear weapons-free world, as it is supposed to be under the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.

    BBC: Top 10 foreign challenges for Obama

  • Documents recently released by the CIA, strengthen previously-held suspicions that Kissinger was actively involved in the establishment of Operation Condor, a covert plan involving six Latin American countries including Chile, to assassinate thousands of political opponents.

    BBC: Henry Kissinger: Haunted by his past

  • In a meeting in November 1975, then-Secretary of State Henry Kissinger acknowledged the brutality of the Khmer Rouge.

    CNN: Priest tried to warn of Cambodia's insanity

  • Only pressure from Henry Kissinger kept the Egyptian 3rd Army from being destroyed totally as the ceasefire became final.

    ECONOMIST: Solbes and the euro

  • He was the author of 17 books, including The Trial of Henry Kissinger, How Religion Poisons Everything, and a memoir, Hitch-22.

    BBC: Christopher Hitchens dies at 62 after suffering cancer

  • In real life, says Kissinger, the moment is "extremely quiet, profoundly quiet".

    BBC: Why Julian Assange would target Henry Kissinger

  • Now this same judge is trying to question Kissinger about the deaths of Spanish nationals murdered and tortured as part of Operation Condor.

    BBC: Henry Kissinger: Haunted by his past

  • The prime minister's wife has joined Bill Clinton, Henry Kissinger and Bono on the books of the New York-based Harry Walker lecture agency.

    BBC: NEWS | UK | US lecture tour for Cherie Blair

  • And then President Nixon used his considerable powers of persuasion on Henry Kissinger and the two of them very publicly disavowed the treaty.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Monica Crowley, Mightier Pen 2012

  • "You cannot open a newspaper without reading about an attack on China, " remarked Henry Kissinger, the architect of Washington's 1970s' detente with Beijing.


  • The first is Mr Kissinger's insight that Chinese strategists think like players of wei qi or Go, which means that, in the long term, they wish to avoid encirclement.

    ECONOMIST: America and China

  • Though the likes of Henry Kissinger have been in attendance for a number of years, it is only recently other statesmen and politicians of his caliber have graced the occasion.

    CNN: It takes a crisis to focus on the value of Davos

  • He has served as staff member to Henry Kissinger on the National Security Council, as delegate to the Force Reductions Negotiations in Vienna and as deputy director of the U.S. Arms Control and Disarmament Agency.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Save the Date: Freedom Flame Award in New York, June 14

  • Mr Kissinger persuaded the reformist P.

    ECONOMIST: Harry Oppenheimer

  • Deputies who once helped Henry Kissinger set the stage for the American withdrawal from Vietnam -and the North's subsequent, unopposed conquest of the South -- have been key figures in the Bush and Clinton administration "road map" for dismantling the trade embargo imposed following that invasion.

    CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: 'Cry, the abandoned country...'

  • Among others, he called the Vatican, pretending to be Henry Kissinger, and managed to get a bishop on the line.

    NEWYORKER: Machine Politics

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