On the lakeshore the wedding guests milled about between the yurts in their finest outfits, swapping salutations and gossip.
BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China
Kigoma, the closest major town, is about 130km north of Mahale along the lakeshore, and this remoteness makes getting to and from the park half the fun.
BBC: Search the
Farther away from the centre and down the lakeshore, Wollishofen in Kreis 2 and on the other shore, Seefeld in Kreis 8 and Zurichberg in Kreis 7, are very popular.
BBC: Living in: Zurich
Back on the lakeshore the speeches were underway.
BBC: Following the Silk Road to the end of China
Tim Lampe of Lakeshore Realty represented both the buyer and the seller.
WSJ: Private Properties: Under Armour Executive Lists Colorado Ranch for $12.95 Million
As for toys and educational materials, Lakeshore Learning Materials offers one of the broadest selections--books, toys, paints, tricycles, climbing equipment and more--at decent prices, says Michael Olenick, president of Child Care Resource Center, a child care facility located in Van Nuys, Calif.
FORBES: Magazine Article