The problem for the latecomer United Technologies is that there are plenty of players already.
Katz notes that this can be especially problematic when the latecomer or hijacker is a senior manager and the meeting leader is a junior staffer.
In a sense, the battery is a latecomer to the push toward flexible, stretchable electronics.
The group also was a latecomer to the CD era, waiting until 1987 to issue its main body of work on a medium that the industry had embraced in the early to middle part of the decade.
Vleeschhouwer injects a somewhat fresh perspective on the widely followed Microsoft partly because he is a latecomer in following the company.
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Huckabee had campaigned in Iowa accusing Romney of being a latecomer to the social conservatives' cause.
Mr Mourdoukoutas is wrong when he says MSFT is a latecomer to the party.
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Some critics would say Big Tobacco has been a latecomer to the war against smuggling.
ECONOMIST: Smoking, governments and health: A wisp of public-spiritedness | The
The occupation is a latecomer, having started on Oct. 15, with a rally more than 400 strong at its peak, according to Chuck Kettering Jr.
The other advantage of latecomer economies is that they are not heavily invested in old industries and can adopt new technologies with limited negative impacts.
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Although it is a latecomer to the music market, Google hopes other bits of its ecosystem will help close the gap with its big rivals and see off a challenge from new, subscription-based online music services such as Spotify.
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Like a latecomer at a party, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency has decided it wants in on the fun, too, and with the support of the White House, has laid out its own plan to regulate U.S. carbon dioxide emissions in 2011.
This error should not allow any latecomer member-states to deny the political end-point of European construction.
The company has already moved in the tablet space and while it may be a latecomer, Yang said that they plan to take on mobile powerhouses Apple (AAPL) and Samsung going forward, the China Daily reports.
Like a broad-forces historian, he sets out to explain how a relative latecomer, starting out after Matsushita in the rubble of post-war Tokyo, should become a 20th-century icon with a brand name as well known around the world as Coca-Cola.
Although it is a latecomer, experts now expect Britain to start to close the gap with America (see chart).
Television was a latecomer: state TV launched in 2001, several years after the first private station.
While Caesars is a latecomer, continued disposable income growth in China should provide solid growth potential for the company, if indeed it manages to tap those markets.
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