Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me.
Not the least of these is Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, which seems well on the way to doing to Boeing what Samsung has done to Apple.
FORBES: A Question for McKesson's John Hammergren: Are You Really Worth $131 Million?
And it is my faith, then, that biblical injunction to serve the least of these, that keeps me going and that keeps me from being overwhelmed.
Not the least of these is the regime of Mikhail Gorbachev which has, in recent weeks, taken a series of actions that signal its determination to prevent such fundamental, structural changes.
And while I had been to Jerusalem before, where Jesus healed the sick, and cured the blind, and embraced the least of these, I also had a chance to go to the Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem.
The public-private partnership of StartUp Health could at the very least start the conversation of how these barriers could be circumvented or altered if government is willing to listen.
FORBES: AOL-Time Warner Merger Architects Teaming Up To Spur Health 2.0 Startups
The Trianon de Porcelaine, Europe's first chinoiserie, was historically the least understood of these, fabled to have had a roof literally made of precious china.
Without the votes of at least eight of these legislators, the new accord with Russia will be dead on arrival.
And so many of the workers, at least these are the reports out of the members of the trade associations, are just deciding to stay home.
However, the unveiling of a huge lineup of LTE-capable smartphones should ensure that the carrier can at least partially recover these costs through the increased adoption of its LTE phones.
FORBES: AT&T Makes Big Push Into LTE With Windows Phone, Android Models
We don't have the accuracy yet to determine the magnitude of the average global trend, but we at least are trying to point out the signs of these trends.
The probability of any one of the above-mentioned events (and many more that could be added to a list of potential triggers) may be small in a given year, but the combined probability of at least one or more of these events happening in the next three years is high.
Considering that these industries listed below have an average during the past twelve months of at least 7.9, the overall health and sustainability of businesses in these industries may be in jeopardy.
At the low end of the GAO estimates, these statistics indicate that at least 20 percent of Americans could be denied health insurance for such a condition while that number could rise to as high as 66 percent of all Americans.
At the very least, many of these transactions violated accounting rules.
But one of the things that's become clear is, is that we need to accelerate our basic research in ethanol and other biofuels that are made from things like woodchips and algae as opposed to just focusing on corn, which is probably the least efficient energy producer of these various other approaches.
The other thing most of the least stressful jobs have in common: At the end of the day, people in these professions can leave their work behind, and their hours tend to be the traditional nine to five.
Frustration aside, the committee deemed the approach which CRU took to at least some of these requests made under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) unacceptable.
That power means speeds of Mach 7 for the slug and a current range of 100 miles, though the hope is for at least double that by the time these things start finding themselves mounted on the decks of battleships in 2025.
Three of these have at least reached the middle stage of the three-step gantlet of clinical trials needed to get a new medicine approved.
Serious scholars of foreign policy will be able to have something of an inside track on US diplomacy for the years covered by these cables, at least in terms of being able to monitor some of the inputs coming into the foreign policy-making process.
The family of Brian Terry, the slain Border Patrol agent at whose murder scene at least two of these guns were found, they disagree with your characterization about these investigations.
But in the short term, at least, these sorts of adjustments cannot keep pace with the accelerating advantages that rich Mexico has over poor Mexico.
ECONOMIST: The beginning of the end of the longest-ruling party | The
Most members accept the need for at least some of these reforms.
Not the least of the questions posed by these elections was whether they presage a shift not just on the right, but also on the left.
Third, under the direction of these Shariah advisors, at least 2.5% of the proceeds of the investments they control are donated to Zakat funds.
Each of these stocks passes at least one of the quantitative strategies I use and meets a series of financial strength and valuation criteria.
Of course, the people I feel for are the people who are directly feeling the pain of these cuts -- the people who can least afford it.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Announces the Fiscal Year 2014 Budget
By random chance, there is a 25% probability that a given fund will be in the top quartile so you might expect that at least 25% of these top performers stayed in the top quartile.
FORBES: Forget the Fiscal Cliff. Here are the Real Threats to Your Portfolio.
"The financial value of artefacts such as these is perhaps the very least important factor, " he said.