The dimly lit stacks of a library are among the most delightful places in the world for the likes of us.
They should do a documentary about the likes of us, and go to our local pub on a Saturday night and see how friendly people are.
How they will open could hinge on a raft of corporate earnings from the likes of DuPont, US Airways and Delta Airlines.
They do not care that by arguing for a complete halt in "natural" growth, they are effectively adopting a eugenics argument the likes of which no US policy-maker has dared to advance since before the Holocaust.
The incendiary howls of the likes of Beinisch and Weinstein show us that these initiatives are well-placed.
And that hatred stems from the same source as their misogyny, their hatred of the US and their support for the likes of Osama bin Laden and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.
As you know, it was an economic crisis the likes of which none of us here had ever seen before.
Again, we are continuing to emerge from an economic crisis, the likes of which none of us in this room have ever experienced before.
And then we have what happened after the implementation of a series, two, massive tax cuts, the benefits of which went disproportionately to top earners, surpluses turned to deficits and a cascading economic crisis and financial crisis and recession the likes of which none of us in our lifetimes have ever seen.
In a related matter, on Wednesday the State Department announced that the US has dropped its opposition to permitting Islamist leader Tariq Ramadan from entering the US. Ramadan - whose grandfather founded the Muslim Brotherhood which spawned the likes of al-Qaida and Hamas - is a hero of the far Left in the US and Europe.
By way of comparison, that is less than the half multiple enjoyed by the likes of the Washington Post Company (31.7), US Steel (30.9) and Bank of America (25.7), according to data from FactSet.
To start with, nearly all the sailing was done while we slept, giving us maximum time ashore to explore the likes of the 10, 023ft Haleakala, a one-time monster of a volcano but now a stunning, sterile ruin.
Fake accounts were not a serious problem and getting thousands of dubious "likes" was not the experience of most advertisers, Facebook told us.
Here it should be noted that there is no difference in principle between the way the likes of the Obama administration and its supporters treat Israel and the way they treat the US and its non-Israeli allies.
In the long-term, it's the likes of France and the UK that have most to fear from the downgrade of the US. Perhaps the risk of a sovereign default in those two AAA countries is now smaller than for the US. Their parliaments are certainly more reliable.
But for a handle on the larger problem with the likes of d'Escoto, and his activities under the U.N. logo, let us turn to an important essay published in 1989 by a former U.S. Ambassador to the U.N.
All together, Qualcomm provided us a circus of absurdity the likes of which cannot be created in fiction.
History tells us what has happened to the likes of Borders and Circuit City once Amazon figured out a cheaper, more efficient way to storm into their industries.
FORBES: What's America Thinking? Amazon And Qualtrics Will Tell You, Dirt Cheap
Rather than leaving filmmaking to the likes of Fellini, Scorsese or Tarantino, each of us can now be a mini-Truffaut, adding our two cents to the existential conversation via these projects.
While their legacies have been firmly intact for several years, the time has finally come for us to reflect on their vast accomplishments and wonder if we will ever see the likes of them again.
Investors are enthused by partnerships with the likes of Target, Office Depot, Toys "R" Us and
You can understand why the likes of India and China should be so much more upbeat than us.
Our leaders believe that the likes of Sarkozy, Cameron and Merkel are serious when they tell us that Israel needs to prove it is serious about peace in order to enable them to vote against a Palestinian statehood resolution at the UN.
This team likes a challenge and it's all part of the push to make us competitive in every competition.
Influential US jazz trumpeter Donald Byrd, who performed alongside the likes of Sonny Rollins, Thelonious Monk and Herbie Hancock, has died aged 80.
And for the remainder of his term, he will do everything he can to downgrade US relations with Israel while maintaining his constant genuflection to the likes of Iran, Syria, the Palestinians and Turkey.
Not only does this message weaken America's allies, it emboldens the likes of Iran and Syria and the Muslim Brotherhood who are increasingly convinced that the US will not stand by its allies in a pinch.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Obama's devastatingly mixed signals
Social media has offered us a new way to anesthetize a deep-rooted feeling of lack: the more likes we get, the better we feel.
FORBES: How I Improved My Social Media Standing With a 30-Day Detox
Remember, first, that the ad comes from the same government (whether Democrat or Republican) that has given us bailouts, QE1, QE2, QE3, cash for clunkers, subsidies for the likes of Solyndra, etc.
FORBES: A Revealing Ad Exposes The Department Of Energy's Hypocrisy