• Lily-Mae's family were even more surprised when the discovered that Elton John had recorded a personal message for Lily-Mae while he was on tour in New York.

    BBC: Elton John backs Irish charity single for Lily-Mae

  • As Portia fights her straitlaced colleagues to get Jeremiah in, she also fights the family-unfriendly habits she has learned from her fiercely feminist mother (Lily Tomlin).

    NEWYORKER: Admission

  • When Catherine Bencheghib and her family moved from Paris to Seminyak in Bali, she had the couple design 12 ceramic lily pads in different sizes the largest more than 30 inches in diameter that float in the four big ponds in her garden.

    WSJ: Lily Pads and Bamboo Stalks, Made of Clay

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