Senior and Hall held him up just short of the line on the sixth tackle to keep the score 0-0 but just a minute later Gidley danced in to score, again set up by Pryce.
Damien Martyn's retirement and the hamstring injury which continues to keep Shane Watson on the sidelines have created an opening in Australia's Test line-up and Symonds is desperate to fill it.
While IGT may have fallen behind in coming up with flashy new games, the company manages to keep its customers in line by dominating the back room with accounting software that keeps a real-time record of the money that's being won and lost on each slot machine.
The committee allowed the boycotters a fig-leaf of sorts: the pressure of sanctions might have helped keep the Austrian coalition in line.
Whereas traditional land-line phones would keep working in the event of a power cut, mobile networks and cordless phones are more easily taken offline by outages.
Whole Foods -- Can the board keep Chief Executive John Mackey in line this year after his 2007 message board scandal?
Owners inevitably paint the exteriors in a cheerful riot of bright red, green, orange, blue and yellow and line the un-air-conditioned cabs with teakwood to keep them cooler in India's searing heat.
One way to keep Greece in line would be to stagger the bulkier bail-out payments.
Chaplin's 1936 film captures our frantic effort to keep up with the assembly line--and to stay ahead of work in general.
The break boosts the pre-tax dollars employees could spend on mass transit to keep it in line with parking benefits.
FORBES: IRS Issues Statement On Tax Legislation, Makes No Promises About Start Of Tax Season
The reporting requirement also will put pressure on companies to abide by "antidiscrimination" rules designed to keep the coverage of highly paid executives in line with that of lower-paid workers, Ms. Davis says.
The Finn, who has not topped the podium in five races, did his best to keep his car on the racing line but qualified in a distant sixth - more than a second adrift of Hamilton.
BBC: SPORT | Motorsport | Formula One | Hamilton clinches German GP pole
LDP's secretary-general, will be made joint leader to help keep the troops in line.
But executives insisted these were short-term marketing opportunities and that GM would keep its incentives in line with the industry average to remain competitive.
Many firms, from Walt Disney Co. to Comcast to Ziff-Davis to Forbes, struggle with the same issue as they invest in Web firms or open new on-line businesses: How do you keep old-liners happy while paying people on the Web what they expect?
Expanding in the wrong direction, Best Buy failed to keep up with on-line retailers like Amazon (NASDAQ:AMZN) that has been growing in the right space, while Yahoo failed to keep up with Google (NASDAQ:GOOG) and Facebook that have also been growing in the right direction.