"The Paddy Considine character is in the line of sight in a crowded station, " says Mr Earnshaw.
Instead of reaching for a phone, which can absorb a person's full attention, Glass brings the notifications directly into the line of sight.
Mr Marshall said current rules meant Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) could only be used when in the line of sight of their operators.
But they also depend on how far away it is, how fast it is drifting by, and how close it is to the line of sight.
The rant, which was duly permitted and licensed by the city, continued throughout the service, although out of the line of sight of those attending the funeral.
If an object floating through space passes near the line of sight between the earth and a distant star, its gravity should, according to the theory of relativity, bend and focus the light from that star.
The interaction comes from when you touch the surface, which breaks the line of sight of the laser and is recognized as a touch just as if you might touch the trackpad on an Apple Macbook.
But it is not known whether the loop structure is physically associated with the Arches Cluster or just happens to be in the same line of sight.
The most you can expect by way of scene-setting here are occasional keen-eyed observations by Jesse Stone, the hero, of the women who cross his line of sight.
The Lexington Institute's Loren Thompson says those mishaps usually result from a simple break in the line-of-sight connection between a plane and the satellite that controls it--often when one of the aircraft's own wings maneuvers into the path of the signal.
Get into games, players are flying all over the place and opposing teams purposely get into the goalies' line of sight to make it tougher for them to track the puck and get into the right position to block shots.
"This means that by watching what happens to the positions of the quasars on the sky as the gravitational field of Jupiter moves past their line-of-sight, the scientists can test other aspects of the general relativity theory, " says Professor Shanks.
The receiver can be clipped to the edge of standard paper or sketchbooks and the position can be adjusted for left or right handed users to provide the receiver with an uninterrupted line of sight with the pen tip.
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In the United States, people can fly model aircraft without approval from the Federal Aviation Administration if they keep the drone in line of sight, lower than 400 feet above ground and away from airports and air traffic.
By some strange reflex that I had previously never used, I picked up the line - my first and last sight of the ball, I might add - and opted to leave it well alone.
The gadget does share a constraint common to all satellite-connected gear: Line of sight to the sky is required for connectivity.
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Thus, the outline of the black hole would be detectable as they move across our line of sight.
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The Motorola sponsored "world record" was made possible by a Chinese mobile base station installed with a line of sight to the north ridge.
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But the transcendent moment is when we come upon a pod of killer whales fishing right in Barnard Harbour, a straight line of sight from the hotel dock.
The road curved along the back side of the Johnson Space Center, an expanse of empty ground bordered by leafless winter trees, where deer patrolled the fence line and joggers wended in and out of sight, following the exercise trail through a thin screen of forest.
They usually are operated by remote human pilots linked to the vehicles through line-of-sight datalinks or satellite downlinks.
The glasses can record and stream video and display information via a transparent screen just above the wearer's usual line of sight.
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If that was bad enough for the watching Johnson, the sight of Giteau motoring onto an overthrown line-out and into wide open spaces would hardly have brightened the England manager's mood.
In the air, planes will actually be nearer to the orbiting device, rather than farther away, and assuming a line-of-sight link from the road, the truck can work out kinks at a fraction of the cost.
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There is now a clear line of sight to the financial and emotional rewards of true equality that a previous generation of women wished for.
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Fa'atau jinked his way to within sight of the line before passing to Evans, who showed great strength to stay in-field near the corner flag as he twisted in Mark Jones' tackle to touch down.
The wireless connectivity does not require a line of sight, so home theater devices can be stored neatly away in one location, and wirelessly send content though walls to another room within the home.
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Infra-red communication suffers the same problems, but has the additional limitation of requiring a direct line of sight between objects as anyone who has tried to operate a television remote control with someone else standing between him and the television will know.
Also, since radio waves sometimes arrive at your device not directly from the radio tower but rather by being bounced off a building or hill, these signals may be much lower in signal strength than if you had a clear line of sight view to the cell site.
Despite the British team having control of the peloton throughout the race, they struggled to close the gap on the lead group and Cavendish was nowhere in sight as Vinokourov out sprinted Uran to the finish line in front of Buckingham Palace.