Samaritan's Purse is taking work orders to help homeowners affected by the Little Bear Fire recover personal items and remove debris.
More than 1, 100 firefighters remained in Ruidoso as they fight to hold the Little Bear Fire that is now 60 percent contained.
In New Mexico, the Little Bear Recovery Team is helping residents affected by the Little Bear Fire, which has burned burned 44, 330 acres and is at 90% containment, according to the New Mexico Department of Homeland Security and Emergency Management.
Clearly, the Miami Marlins bear little resemblance to the Florida Marlins.
It confirmed that wine prices are about what the market will bear, yet say little about the quality in the bottle.
And so in resorts now around the world, Mexican restaurants have opened and, of course, bear very little resemblance to the sort of Mexican food you would eat in Mexico.
It will take a little time to bear the fruits of that progress.
Brian Cosgrove, creator of Danger Mouse and Count Duckula, told the Today programme's Sarah Montague that he was "a little bit surprised" that Paddington Bear won the prize and that one of the current shows would have been in people's minds.
Instead, the witnesses--Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke, Securities and Exchange Commission Chairman Christopher Cox, Treasury Undersecretary Robert Steel, New York Fed President Timothy Geithner, JPMorgan Chase Chairman and CEO JamieDimonJamie Dimon and Bear Stearns President and CEO AlanSchwartzAlan Schwartz--offered little more than a timeline of the events that led to Bear Stearns' hasty rescue three weeks ago.
Unlike fantasy baseball, the plans being constructed by participants bear little connection to actual facts and evidence.
There is little doubt but that the next secular bear market began from the market peak in 2000.
FORBES: Riding The Rallies And Shorting The Slides In A Big, Long Bear Market
The world's poorest countries bear little responsibility for climate change.
The wolf, the elk, the moose and bear were fighting over too little land.
I'm the little boy that gives up his favourite teddy bear so that a stranger may be comforted.
In an era of bear markets and little of the lucrative mergers-and-acquisitions activity that sustained banks in the late 1990s, it seems likely that research departments will continue to shrink.
The response of the solar industry is: bear with us a little longer.
He also wrote about software agents that go out into the network and come back with any information you want. (Sound a little like a search engine?) Bear and Benford also created fictional global networks long before the World Wide Web was a gleam in the eye of its creator Tim Berners Lee.
Bear in mind that the whistleblower may have little idea, at the time of reporting, of the extent of the wrongdoing.
Payment cards, though they bear little similarity to fan paraphernalia, operate on the same principle.
FORBES: Starbucks Is Reinventing the Role of Payments. Will Payments Leaders Take Notice?
But Mr Duncan Smith conceded the coalition's changes would take a "little while" to bear results.
Even the most die-hard bear has to be at least a little nervous.
With Little Bear and Franklin, also on Nickelodeon, Nelvana has the two top-rated TV shows for 2-to-5-year-olds.
If others find themselves in Bear's awful predicament, there will be little the Fed can do to forestall a rout.
Analysts said that while Russian companies would bear the brunt of the tax, overall it would have little impact on the Russian economy.
Bear with me because it takes a little while to pull all the threads together, but it's worth it, I promise.
Fattened, flightless, farm-raised, store-bought turkeys bear little resemblance to their tough, feral cousins that tromp through the forests, prairies, and scrublands of every state in the US except for Alaska.
I've written in the past about my concern that the Android platform is fragmenting much like desktop Linux has over the years, and the potential for the platform to turn into a patchwork of devices and vendor specific modifications that bear little relationship with each other.
When things went wrong, they had little incentive to put things right by injecting money of their own because the lender stood to bear most of the losses.
"Get the ghosts of Christmas past out of there -- all those little cans of this and that, the beef sticks from the gift basket no one can bear to throw out, " says Ewer.
"To watch my sweet little boy turn into this person is too much to bear, " she was quoted in the Patriot News as saying.