"The little boy who called the flowers in his garden bougainvillea, " says Dr. Barbara Klein, an educational consultant in Los Angeles and author of Raising Gifted Kids: Everything You Need to Know to Help Your Exceptional Child Thrive.
How many consumers are really going to jump at the chance to invest in yet another little walled garden of (even more expensive) music that doesn't transfer to any of the other devices they're already using?
After a stroll or cycle, grab an outdoor table at Seehaus, idyllically situated in the north of the garden on the shores of Kleinhesseloher See, a little lake where you can rent paddle boats.
Or was his tiny, little body interred into the garden of remembrance, or was it his ashes?
BBC: Mortonhall Crematorium: Baby ashes parents call for truth
Neighbours had contacted social services to say they had seen the little girl poorly dressed in her garden, looking painfully thin.
But, to my surprise, each time I walked through the garden, I walked a little more slowly.
Compared to the residential areas of the lower 9th Ward and New Orleans East, there was little storm damage in much of the French Quarter, the Garden District, and parts of Uptown.
Some actions, such as swishing your sword or taking a stroll in a garden, have little impact on the overall story.
From Bae Bo, walk south for excellent food in Chinatown and Little India, or north for the plant- and garden-focused The wet market.
" So you've had sales for what I'd like to call the indie sitcom, movies like "Little Miss Sunshine" or "Garden State" or "Napoleon Dynamite.
On his own, he went a little faster, but paused when he noticed that one of the garden gates he was passing was invitingly open.
I've already got a gift, got the flowers. (Applause.) I was telling folks the flowers are a little easier, though, because I've got this Rose Garden. (Laughter.) Lot of people keeping flowers around.
Mr. Twist's twist on the original takes Balla's basic design and animates it as if it were a little garden of geometric solids with inner lives of their own.
WSJ: A Puppeteer's 'Rite' of Passage | Basil Twist | By Robert Greskovic
Exactly when Jefferson decided to design and build his own house is not recorded, but the first mention of Monticello (which means "little mountain") is noted in his Garden Book on Aug. 3, 1767.
And Scottish Tory leader David McLetchie said the SNP economic blueprint will amount to little more than a continuation of their "deliberate attempt to lead the electorate up the economic garden path".
Jean is a divorced single mom with a generically adorable little son, a lady in the slinky, sensual Gyllenhaal mold who's so hip yet earthy that her garden blooms with color in the desert.